hi guys sent my forms off to the dvla on tuesday and today i got a letter with my chassis number on it they didnt even want to inspect the car, but
the last part of the letter it says
"please arrange through a francised dealer or local garage for this number to be stamped or permanently embossed onto the chassis/frame/bodywork
of the vehicle"
was going to stamp on myself is this ok ? then it asks
"to facilitate registration it is necessary for the garage/dealer to confirm that the identity number has been stamped or permanently embossed on
the car. please ensure this letter is authorised below by the garage and returned to the VRO. registration will not take affect until the agency
recieves this confirmation"
is this filled in at the SVA after i have stamped the number on. or does it have to be done by a garage
look forward to the replys
i stamped mine and got a mate to rubber stamp the form
It does say franchised dealer or locaL garage.
The latter would give you plenty of scope.
You could come to an arrangement with a small business whereby you stamp the plate, they inspect it and provide you with a bill. I would not have
thought that would be too expensive.
find a friendly garage that does MOT,s and get them to say they have seen the chassis no stamped on yr chassis,they need to stamp the form and sign it
I got the SVA tester to verify it, seemed to keep them happy.
I rang my local DVLA office and they agreed a local engineering firm could do it and stamp the form.
Luckily I worked for a local engineering firm at the time.