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VIN number engraving
myeates - 15/4/08 at 08:00 PM

hi i tried to stamp my chassis last weekend but it would seem my stamps arent very good, or was just me, tried on a bit of 1 inch box section first and they just bent it with barely a mark there, just a mess.

the question is is there any good online places that can stamp or engrave the vin into a mild steel plate that i can weld onto the chassis, can i get this done by someone like timpsons? have stamped alloy plate to rivet eslewhere as i can manage that but this wont be enough

or is there anyone on here that can stamp it for me properly on a plate to weld on?

thanks in advance

Hellfire - 15/4/08 at 08:05 PM

Take a bit of stainless plate into an engraver/key cutter/Fishing Trophy place and they'll do it for you for a relatively small fee.

Ours is just rivetted onto the battery tray. This was fine for our SVA, but that doesn't mean it will be ok for yours. Go figure...


caber - 15/4/08 at 08:10 PM

get a strip of thinish steel say 1.6mm put it on top of a thick heavy bit of steel say 6mm then try using the letter punches, you should get a nice clear impression. Once its done weld it onto the chassis probably over yuor bent bit of box section. job done and tidied up mess!


RazMan - 15/4/08 at 09:54 PM

I went with the stainless plate option and got it engraved and then rivetted it somewhere prominent so it looked pretty - the bodged stamped version is somewhere invisible I had it in my pocket for the SVA test