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Import Locost from US
liam.mccaffrey - 22/4/08 at 12:46 AM

Im building in Oklahoma and when I finish my 2 years in the states I want to bring the locost home.

Now how does it work if you import a road legal locost from Oklahoma. I know I will have to SVA, I can build with that in mind now but what reg will I get??

If I was building at home I could go for an age related plate because Im using everything from one vehicle but does registering road legal over here change things. Do imports automatically get q plates??

Any help would be appreciated

blakep82 - 22/4/08 at 01:08 AM

well, when my dad imported a ford aerostar over, it was given an age related plate. eg, the car was built it '86 and brought over here in 1991 (well, shipped to liverpool, taken to germany registered there in 1989, then bought back to UK in 1991 and registered), but when it came here it was on a D reg. though that was before SVA... I'd say the plate would be as of first registraion in the US...

trialsman - 22/4/08 at 02:20 AM

liam, My Locost was made in England and imported to the US. It is a pain in the ^%^ to get parts for but I love it. Just be sure you can get parts for it in the UK. Sence you are in Oklahoma, you might as well come up to Kansas City Aug 30-31, 2008, for the Midwest Se7ens Gathering. We are going to have a great time. If your car is done, bring it also. There will be 7's of all kinds there. If you are interested you can contact me on any of the US sites, Russ

RK - 22/4/08 at 04:11 AM

Now that's a switch! Most of us here are always trying to figure out how to get parts over here from there.

My thought (with no first hand knowledge, but that never stops people on the internet) is to do SVA or whatever replaces it.