I have started the process of filling in the Built Up inspection and SVA application forms.
Yes i know its about bl**dy time
I have a huge file of documents and reciepts for the SVA and realy don't think that there is a problem with it, however when it comes to the
built up inspection, what do they require?
My phone calls to DVLA have been a joke, fax machine only for 2 days then i slighly went through the press office to, eventually, a call centre that
said they will get Chelmsford to call me sometime Monday.
I have so far got in the special and seperate "Built Up Vehicle Inspection" folder....
Reciept from previous owner for the purchase of the kit and bits from him
Letters requesting the original reciept to him
A letter from him explaining that he does not have an original reciept for the kit from Robin Hood but does have a scanned one.
A print of the scanned reciept from Robin Hood
An original purchase reciept for the donor car from a car recyclers.
Donor V5 in my name + VIN plates.
Photographs of the build from collection of unstarted kit to current day.
Is there anything else that i realy need to include in the Built Up folder?
hi paul
we were advised to include receipts for all major componets purchased.
so we gave them a file will about 100 receipts in covering everything from the original kit to a pack of ten washers...
they photocopied them all and gave us the orinals back..
(as you know we actually gave them photocopies of the originals,but they never noticed...)