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Dvla have amended my V5c
pif - 20/6/08 at 09:45 AM

i have been having a running dispute with the DVLA about whether my car needed an MOT or not, specifically around getting it taxed. It is a E plated age related Indy. Sva'd in may 07. I actually have the tax now since i went to the post office and argued it out with the head honcho there about my V5c showing date of first reg 01/06/07. I think he just wanted rid of me out of the post office as i was probably frightening the grannies.

Any way the correspondence with the DVLA was already in the system and i have received this reply.

"I understand that the vehicle was rebuilt from parts of some previously registered vehicles as well as new parts including a chassis frame. It is for this reason that an SVA test was necessary, as the vehicle had undergone a significant amount of changes involving a mixture of new and old parts. When the vehicle was presented for inspection, this was taken into account by the inspection officer and the vehicle was allowed to be allocated an age related mark. As you have stated the rebuild took place in 2007. However, the age related mark allocated would be based on th date of manufacture.

Under the rules governing the registration of rebuild vehicles, the date of manufacture was based upon the age of the vehicles from which the parts were used. In this case the date of manufacture is given as 1987, therefore an MOT will be required. When the vehicle was registered, the record was set up incorrectly, showing the vehicle as being a kit build. The record should of shown the vehicle as a rebuild, I have arranged for a new V5c to be sent and please return the old, incorrect one in the provided envelope

So i now have a new V5 with " rebuilt - assembled from parts some or all of which were not new" in the special notes line on the front, still with the same emission limits etc.. My old V5 stated " Kit built/converted assembld from parts all of which may not be new.

Is this a big deal in terms of legality / resale values ?

Should I comply ( goes against my nature) or ignore them now i have my tax?


loggyboy - 20/6/08 at 10:13 AM

Surely there must be legislation somewhere which either backs up or conflicts with their letter?

BenB - 20/6/08 at 10:49 AM

Eh? They don't know what they're chattling on about!!

It's a rebuild? So if it was built from most parts of a Sierra they'd have it on the V5 still as a Sierra would they?


I'd keep the old V5 and write back asking why they feel it's a rebuild rather than a kit car.

Also, you could ask, if it was a rebuild wouldn't they keep the same registration as the "previous" build.


It is not the DVLAs flipping job to decide on the structual and engineering suitability of kit car parts. That is VOSAs job @ the SVA. They passed it, the DVLA should butt out and stick with what they're good at- selling everyone's details to anyone with £100 and generally screwing the system up.....


adithorp - 20/6/08 at 11:16 AM

I sent mine back because the VIN and Engine numbers and make/model were wrong. When I phoned she just said "Don't tell me, it's all wrong isn't it? I'm sorry I don't input the data, thats done at Swansea, I just send the form to them..Sorry."

To be honest ManchesterDVLA have been really helpfull and pretty quick. Registration took 2 days from getting all the paperwork. I posted the V5c back last Sat and I got my amended V5c back yesterday.

Odd that my date of registration is 3 weeks before I passed SVA!?!


phoenix70 - 20/6/08 at 11:57 AM

I had the opposite problem, where my V5 stated the date of first registration as the date of the donor registration. I wrote a letter to them telling them this was incorrect and they changed the V5. Not had any problem getting tax so far although I will need an MOT next year



robinj66 - 20/6/08 at 02:22 PM

I also queried the date of first registration on my V5 following SVA. After both letters and phone calls I was told that it is the information shown on the MAC (Class Code) that is entered onto the DVLA records (MAC of course is a VOSA document) and it is that code "which produces the information shown in the special notes section of the registration certificate."

I was also told that DVLA are "unable to alter this code as this information was provided by VOSA. As VOSA are the authority on both SVA and MOT testing..." they were unable to alter the V5.

That letter was sent by David Barfoot of Vehicle Customer Services @ Swansea (01792 782686). It was unfortunately sent in Sept 2005 but the principles should still apply.

The issue is what Class Code was on your MAC as that is the info that DVLA have to enter onto your V5?

For comparison, mine was AOD which produced a special note "KIT BUILT/CONVERTED - ASSEMBLED FROM PARTS ALL OF WHICH MAY NOT BE NEW"

I would check your MAC (assuming you have a copy) and then speak to Mr Barfoot @ DVLA.

[Just to complete the picture, the SVA tester had put an incorrect emissions code on my MAC and I had to go back to him for it to be amended before VOSA would change the V5. they still wouldn't change the date of first registration (which i had also queried) and it remains the same as the donor - 1979]

Ref the issue of whether yo ned an MOT for the first 3 years, the DVLA do not seem to be able to make up their minds. Some have it in writing that an MOT isn't reqired for 3 yrs and other have letters saying it is needed. Depends on who you talk to.

Sorry for the long post.


robinj66 - 20/6/08 at 02:24 PM

Have alook at this letter on the RHOCAR site