I now have my VIN number and am just about to make the plate and stamp the chassis but, is there a letter/number size required before i start bashing
away? Nothing stated on the letter or the SVA manual that i can see. Just checkin'.
5mm from memory i believe - have you tried a search here??
For what it's worth I used
4mm and no complaints from SVA or DVLA man....
If only i lived near a screwfix. I do begrudge paying that for delivery. Im sooo tight!
I have borrowed my mates set but he has 5mm letters and 3mm numbers. Doesnt look right on trial run.
I have searched but there is never an absolute answer. I think ill ring the SVA centre in Norwich tomorrow and find out. I will post the answer i get
on here.
Dont suppose anyone lives near that has a set
[Edited on 1/7/08 by scoop]
Not less than 4mm
Section 22.2 of the SVA manual (it's in the pdf draft)
You are the man.
Ta very much for that