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SVA Looming... No. 2
coozer - 6/7/08 at 08:15 PM

Thanks for the replies to my last questions...

Here's another couple..

1. Battery is snug in the passenger footweell, secure with a bracket but should I cover it all for SVA? Was thinking about a plastic cover held on with velcro. What do all reckon?

Rear exhaust bracket with a cover over it. Should I put some trim round the edge or is the doubled over ali enough??

And finally my home made car on my home made trailer. Sh1tting myself now with SVA in just over a week!

Thanks again,

David Jenkins - 6/7/08 at 09:02 PM

I think you'll need to cover the battery - far too many edges there.

BenB - 6/7/08 at 09:15 PM

The top of that battery holder thingy looks decididly non SVA friendly!!! Cover it up (you know you want to...).

Personally if I was an SVA inspector I'd want the whole lot boxed in. People are going to have their feet down their. Big chance of something getting disconnected leading potentially to arc'ing...

Not sure what the book says though (apart from the sharp edges....).

Where the end of the exhaust can is rivetted on the edge looks awfully sharp. Will it pass the edge test? It might need filing blunt.

James - 6/7/08 at 09:40 PM

Even in a longer car like mine, the battery automatically becomes a foot rest.... which is really annoying.

So I'm moving mine into the engine bay!

But for the SVA I riveted a large folded plate infront of it for passenger feet!
