Hi all,
In a few months I'll start building my first kitcar (mk indy), but I still have some doubts about the registration.
Since I live in Belgium, I was wondering if there would be some company in the UK offering assistance with sva, paperwork,... Ideally, I need someone
I could bring my car to when it's finished and he would take care of everything. This would solve a lot of problems concerning the transportation
to the SVA test,and especially in case of a retest.
Tommy Bijnens
I have a feeling MK may have done this for people in the past.
I may be wrong though! Give Martin a call and tell him which car you have.
Hi Tommy,
A friend of mine specialises in the services you require. They will take the finished car from you and give it pre-inspection, then take it for SVA
and arrange the necessary paperwork for registration etc.
I'm not sure how the registration in Belgium works though, but presumably you could register it here and then import it back to Belgium or
David Slade
Kingswood Kits and Classics Ltd, Ranch Farm Industrial Park, Willis Lane, Four Marks, Alton, Hants, GU34 5AP
+44 (0) 1420 587250
Hope this is of use to you.
Nick Hoskings
PS - send U2U if you want more info.
Great, this is exactly what i was looking for
Plays Kool Do aswell
Not sure of the website address but you should be able to find it somewhere.
Here's the link