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Pedal spacing
DaveFJ - 9/1/04 at 01:32 PM

Does anyone know if there is any laid down minimum spacing between pedals for SVA ?



JoelP - 9/1/04 at 01:41 PM

theres no mention of it in the summaries i have. I think it is down to how the examiner feels, and if it looks OK.

a good way to guess is either to measure the spacing off your road car, or make a mock up in your front room using bean cans...

on my seicento, the pedals fit in about 7 inches, really is tiny pedals with small gaps. even like that its driveable. if you want i'll measure them precisely!

David Jenkins - 9/1/04 at 02:07 PM

I'd guess that this would come into the catch-all "is it safe" category that's entirely at the tester's discretion...
...not satisfactory, but probably impossible to document all the permutations!

If you can work all the controls individually to their full extent (e.g. you don't catch the accelerator when you put your foot on the brake) then you should be OK.


givemethebighammer - 16/1/04 at 11:50 PM

Remember reading somewhere the legal requirement for pedal spacing was 50mm ? Can't think where I read it though.

[Edited on 16/1/04 by givemethebighammer]