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Pumping Kerosene.
Staple balls - 19/6/15 at 09:06 AM

So, due to landlord related issues, I need a shift a few (maybe 150) litres of kerosene.

I know the pikeys use these but I suspect there's a slight risk of loss of fingers.

This looks a bit more promising, but again with the no flammables.

Any ideas chaps?

mcerd1 - 19/6/15 at 09:13 AM

what about an electric lift pump off the fuel tank of any old diesel car/van/lorry....

britishtrident - 19/6/15 at 09:22 AM

Kerosene like diesel vapour is normally below the danger point electric pump should be no problem.
Im my experirncr electric drill pumps are normally pretty cr**

big_wasa - 19/6/15 at 10:27 AM

150L is around £50 worth, not a lot of point spending £30 to get it out. Depending on the age of the tank there will be sediment and water in there any way.

If the tank is of the floor just take the pipe of and fill some 25L tubs

blakep82 - 19/6/15 at 11:11 AM

Cheap electric fuel pump off eBay? Can be had for under a tenner m33a12375d0

Staple balls - 19/6/15 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by big_wasa
150L is around £50 worth, not a lot of point spending £30 to get it out. Depending on the age of the tank there will be sediment and water in there any way.

The tank is pretty new, and frankly, I'd rather take it and dispose of it at the tip than leaving this delightful gentleman anything of any value.

Brian R - 19/6/15 at 11:59 AM

Something like this would do the job. h=item51d2dabda3

RickRick - 19/6/15 at 02:28 PM

we use a fuel injection pump same as fitted to my bec to pump petrol in and out of the race car, give a decent flow rate just push rubber hoses on each end seems to be fairly good at self priming too.
not 100% sure how it would work with kerosene other option is a tank or lift pump from a diesel in the scrappers

Staple balls - 19/6/15 at 02:41 PM

Thinking about it, I do happen to have a scrap diesel felica on the drive, that might work.

ste - 19/6/15 at 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Staple balls
Originally posted by big_wasa
150L is around £50 worth, not a lot of point spending £30 to get it out. Depending on the age of the tank there will be sediment and water in there any way.

The tank is pretty new, and frankly, I'd rather take it and dispose of it at the tip than leaving this delightful gentleman anything of any value.

Just tip a load of sawdust in there then

Staple balls - 19/6/15 at 07:11 PM

bi22le - 19/6/15 at 10:11 PM

That is evil, I like it!