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How much difference does an aeroscreen make over having no screen ?
givemethebighammer - 20/2/05 at 08:45 PM

I really like not having a windscreen and wearing a full face helmet. However as things get faster, I get really blasted about to the point that at very high speed my head is shaking around so much I can't see properly (which is probably a good thing beacause I have to slow down ).

I have made a screen like the one in the picture (not my car). Just like to think it was more than cosmetic before I fit it.

[Edited on 20/2/05 by givemethebighammer] Rescued attachment aero2.jpg
Rescued attachment aero2.jpg

Kelvin - 20/2/05 at 09:00 PM

I should think it will make a difference. The screens on F1 cars are very very small and adjustments are made in mm's, but their purpose is to reduce helmet shake.

I'd probably try and fot it so it didn't leave permanent marks/holes to start with and see how you get on.

Of course, you could also get a helmet with an anti lift lip on it.


Fifer - 20/2/05 at 09:01 PM

I origionally had a clear home made screen (see archive) but fitted the one in my Avatar and now no problems.
I do still wear a healmet though as being a biker, it feels normal to me anyway

Wadders - 20/2/05 at 09:28 PM

Makes a huge difference, it sends the air over your head, makes it possible to drive wearing shades only, though i only do when pootling around, don't fancy a stone in the head at speed.


Originally posted by givemethebighammer
I really like not having a windscreen and wearing a full face helmet. However as things get faster, I get really blasted about to the point that at very high speed my head is shaking around so much I can't see properly (which is probably a good thing beacause I have to slow down ).

I have made a screen like the one in the picture (not my car). Just like to think it was more than cosmetic before I fit it.

[Edited on 20/2/05 by givemethebighammer]

carnut - 20/2/05 at 09:50 PM

Ill second that about getting hit by stones in the facewhile wearing just shades. It realy hurts but i love driving with the wind in my face.

If your head is shaking around it sound like you need to build up some neck muscles.

givemethebighammer - 20/2/05 at 10:28 PM

I'll fit the screen and see how much difference it makes.

Neck muscles ? - probably

Mark Allanson - 20/2/05 at 10:41 PM

A good friend of mine said that a full screen is a liability unless you have side screens as well. The buffeting is worse as it comes around the screen in pulses and can lead to concussion

DarrenW - 21/2/05 at 11:42 AM

I was talking to someone with a full screen who reported a serious vortex at about 70mph leaving a void where he couldnt catch thinks not so pleasant!

A couple of factors to consider - how high is seat, height of scuttle, height of driver. My father has MK with MK aeroscreen. He is shorter than me and most wind goes over his head. I get blasted across the forehead - not pleasant in sleet!!
Ill be fitting the Mac#1 aeroscreen. It has a slight side bit that prevents the side wind vortexing in and is a bit higher than some. My car has quite a high bonnet / svuttle as well and the seats are bolted straight to floor so wind should go over top OK. Iam still tempted to get a helmet tho as the stones are fired straight into cockpit when wheel is turned (mudguards will be fitted to reduce).

WRT Helmets - ive never been a biker and hate the blinkered feeling. Does it take long to get used to?? Does anyone use an openface helmet? How effective are they?
I measured my head at weekend (just above ears) = 24.5inches!!!! Bloody big head. I hope i can get one easily that big. Maybe ill have to slap some brilcream on and mould my own, or just get a forhead protector!!!

David Jenkins - 21/2/05 at 11:49 AM

On the same theme, how effective are those 'Brooklands' screens?


Kelvin - 21/2/05 at 12:00 PM

Originally posted by DarrenW

WRT Helmets - ive never been a biker and hate the blinkered feeling. Does it take long to get used to?? Does anyone use an openface helmet? How effective are they?
I measured my head at weekend (just above ears) = 24.5inches!!!! Bloody big head. I hope i can get one easily that big. Maybe ill have to slap some brilcream on and mould my own, or just get a forhead protector!!!

I'd always recommend a full face helmet rather than a pi55 pot open face. The main idea of wearing one in an open top car is to stop all the crap hitting your face.

If you get a good quality helmet that fits properly you'll have no probs with feeling enclosed or anything. Plus you can get very very good intercoms these days to hear your passengers screams!

The only problem one faces is 'helmet hair', that lovely look of sticky up static hair after taking the helmet off. 2 ways to avoid this. a: go bald/cut hair very short and b: wear a balaclava. I do both!


[Edited on 21/2/05 by Kelvin]

Hellfire - 21/2/05 at 12:44 PM

Darren... not very pleasent in SLEET!!! WTF?

It makes a difference yes, by how much depends on where your head height is in relation to the deflector. My head used to shake at higher speeds but as you say... its a warning to slow down unless you're on a track obviously!

Jon Ison - 21/2/05 at 02:26 PM

when i fitted one it made the difference from allways wearing as helmet to just wearing one on high speed motorway runs ect.

Dont your cheeks flap well when you have a peek in the mirror without any screen.......

nick baker - 21/2/05 at 03:21 PM

My only experience with aeros is this....

Used to drive Scamps ina former life...

Screen up (and no sidescreens = serious lateral buffeting. VERY tiring.

Screen Down... FANTASTIC...until you get a bumblebee in your forehead at 70mph.

50mm Aero screen... Best of both worlds. All (light) debris goes up and over with the air current... no buffeting, and great visibility. Only had a problem when a pigeon hit the rollbar while we were travelling at 75ish, (bird was doing 30ish towards us over a hedge) and it coated my brother in pigeon Puré the near-instentanious loss of bowel control nearly cuased a crash too.

Aero screen.... go for it. It's totally worth-while.

givemethebighammer - 21/2/05 at 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Kelvin
I'd always recommend a full face helmet rather than a pi55 pot open face. The main idea of wearing one in an open top car is to stop all the crap hitting your face.

If you get a good quality helmet that fits properly you'll have no probs with feeling enclosed or anything. Plus you can get very very good intercoms these days to hear your passengers screams!
The only problem one faces is 'helmet hair', that lovely look of sticky up static hair after taking the helmet off. 2 ways to avoid this. a: go bald/cut hair very short and b: wear a balaclava. I do both!

I used to ride a motorbike regularly so no issues with wearing the helmet and I have very little hair no no problems there either.

Simon - 21/2/05 at 09:39 PM

If you're that concerned about wearing a helmet, buy a cheapie to try out for a while (just make sure it's got the top dog visor - withstand a ballbearing at 150mph). If you don't like feeling or feel claustrophobic then alternative may need to be found.

I reckon after about 10mins of wearing you'll be fine. You may find your hearing not so good as sound may be muffled. This is good to a certain extent!

With visor half down, you'll get a nice breeze in your face



robinbastd - 21/2/05 at 11:16 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
On the same theme, how effective are those 'Brooklands' screens?


I used to have Brooklands Aero's on my Robin Hood. The best thing about them was that you could adjust them to deflect the gale over your head.
I regretted replacing them with a full windscreen,which had I not sold the car would have been removed or else I would have fitted wind deflectors on the screen pillars.

Marcus - 22/2/05 at 09:18 PM

The aero screen I made was excellent. I could wear a baseball cap at 90mph without fear of losing it!!
I fitted it after SVA because the rain at 40 mph is like needles trying to poke your eyes out!
All this is in the past tense as I've got a Cat***** heated screen to fit with some wind deflectors.


NS Dev - 26/2/05 at 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Mark Allanson
A good friend of mine said that a full screen is a liability unless you have side screens as well. The buffeting is worse as it comes around the screen in pulses and can lead to concussion

This was my experience in a Westy with full screen but no sidescreens, needed earplugs, the buffetting deafened you over 60mph!

In terms of face protection, I race in autograss where you are constantly blasted by stones and dirt at some speed, and I use an open face helmet (so I can also use it for rallying) and a set of Smiths motocross goggles and face shield, these are really comfortable and I plan to use them in the seven!

Bob C - 26/2/05 at 03:24 PM

just for interest - how much was the caterhham screen & how many amps does it take

Marcus - 26/2/05 at 04:56 PM

Paid £40 for the screen off ebay, not had it plugged in yet, so I don't know about power consumption. To be honest, the fact that it's heated is a bonus, all I wanted was a screen with a slight tint (off to France in the car later this year!)
