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Digital dash panel
dutchsuperseven - 25/1/04 at 05:01 PM

Does anyone know how to build a digital dashpanel? It's got to have a speedo!
A manual or internetlink would be useful to.

Greetingzz, Rob

PioneerX - 26/1/04 at 11:35 AM


I'm just finalising the design of a set, Tachno, Speed, Temp & fuel. I plan to release the electrical diagrams for everyone to use. However struggleing with an appropate sender. My design uses a PIC mircocontroller perogrammed with the diff ratio, Tyre size & number of pulses per revolution of the prop. But still testing cheap sender systems to make the whole unit as cheap to produce as possible.

I'm personally doing them all to fit inside a housing of a mini's gauge.

What do you think on the sender side. I thought about useing a magnet and high speed reed switch.



Fifer - 26/1/04 at 12:03 PM

It seems you are probably looking to build one. But take a look here....
Under Street series or universal topics

I can supply all Nordskog products in UK / Europe and they are very good quality and very well priced.


Northy - 26/1/04 at 06:37 PM

Fifer I can't find your email address anywhere. Can you email me?


dutchsuperseven - 26/1/04 at 06:54 PM

Hi Simon,
Im using a Ford Scorpio/granada gearbox equipped with a Hall-effect speed-sensor.
The sensor generates a 5V signal.
It normally drive's the original speedo.
Your Vx-gearbox shuold be equipped with a similar type of sensor.(when your using a carlton gearbox).
Greetingz, Rob

Originally posted by PioneerX

I'm just finalising the design of a set, Tachno, Speed, Temp & fuel. I plan to release the electrical diagrams for everyone to use. However struggleing with an appropate sender. My design uses a PIC mircocontroller perogrammed with the diff ratio, Tyre size & number of pulses per revolution of the prop. But still testing cheap sender systems to make the whole unit as cheap to produce as possible.

I'm personally doing them all to fit inside a housing of a mini's gauge.

What do you think on the sender side. I thought about useing a magnet and high speed reed switch.



Hellfire - 5/2/04 at 12:34 PM


how much can you do the 6 gauge universal panel for. Like Northy, can't find your e-mail address.


jmbillings - 9/2/04 at 11:07 PM

for a sender for our leccy speedo, we ended up using the sender for a Halfords bike computer, and a couple of small magnets bonded to the prop with araldite. Remember to mount the sender next to the prop, not above it though, else the first time you hit a bump it'll break

PioneerX - 10/2/04 at 02:10 PM


Halford bike sender, had not thought of that (provides the correct signal I need).

Why is it I always miss the obvious.

Thanks for bring this up.


jmbillings - 10/2/04 at 02:16 PM

Yep, I know what you mean- we got through two senders from Merlin@ nearly 30 quid each, and then realised a 7 quid halfords bike computer would do the same and be more reliable- niceley waterproofed and so on!

JamJah - 10/2/04 at 07:55 PM

Is there anything in the SVA which says that you couldnt just a bike computer as a speedo? Not going to do it but just fancy seeing if the rules are as silly as they apear sometimes. My bike clock goes to 99.99 so is realistically a cheap alternitive!

Hellfire - 11/2/04 at 12:24 PM

Lots of people use a bicycle speedo to pass SVA. Just have to make sure its illuminated