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full marks for a quality product
kingr - 4/6/03 at 09:04 AM

....or not. And which company could it be that has earned my displeasure? Not lolocost surely, with their perfect customer service record? Basicaly, I bought bush tubes, bushes and crush tubes off them a few months ago, and now that I come to fit them, I find that the crush tubes that are for "10mm bolts" don't fit 10mm bolts, so I phone them up "oh yes, we know about this, but you can use machine screws, they'll fit" oh, well thank you very much, that's just what I want, load bearing threads, perfect, and after I've spent £40 on suitable bolts. Partly in their defence they did offer to refund me, but that would involve me sending them all back (incuring yet more postage costs) and then I'd have to source a suitable replacement myself, and get it cut up on a lathe (which the lolocost ones weren't I hasten to add) and all within the confinements of the (pretty rubbish) lolo bushes. So what did I get for my £50 or however much it was? 24 little bits of ERW tube, some crappy nylon bushes that I'll probably replace anyway, and some crush tubes that aren't any good in their existing form for the job that they were intended.

Rant over, thankyou for your time.


ChrisW - 4/6/03 at 02:14 PM

Don't say we didn't warn you!


ned - 4/6/03 at 02:42 PM

well no one warned me, but i haven't bought anything from lolocost so that's ok.


ChrisW - 4/6/03 at 04:47 PM

Do a search for LoLocost - I'll bet every post you find that mentions them carries a warning!!


Mark Allanson - 4/6/03 at 06:45 PM

Reversing the question, is there anything that lolocost make that is any good?

bob - 4/6/03 at 07:14 PM

The windscreen bits seem ok,well the ones i've seen anyhow.

Jasper - 4/6/03 at 07:30 PM

Front wing supports are fine, only needed slight fettling and they're cheap. They also sold me great rear lights for £30 at the show that were £44 on another stand, so they ain't all bad.

Northy - 4/6/03 at 09:06 PM

Have to admit the cycle wing brackets are fine

But my mate who's a metal fabricator saw them and recons they were far too expensive! He was talking about making a jig up to make some!

merlin - 4/6/03 at 09:24 PM

The only thing I have seen of what I thought 'good value' is their stainless side pipe at £55.00. Have bought one and fitted it to mates westie, looks sweet. However, bushes are best sourced from MK in my humble opinion. Anyway, it doesn't pay to buy cheap - you will always end up replacing it later when you have more dosh and then you've spent over the odds. I made this mistake with the GRP panels and I am now looking for new ones! I can afford them now but if I had saved the £150 spent in haste 12 mths ago I could be looking at 'top end' panels now.
Just a thought for all you that are STILL building.........did I mention I have finished mine??

robinbastd - 4/6/03 at 09:55 PM

Merlin,within 12 months you'll be replacing that silencer! Just you mark my words

Peteff - 4/6/03 at 11:38 PM

I got a steering column bearing and bracket and they were o.k. and cheap.

kingr - 5/6/03 at 09:32 AM

Lolo ball joints are OK I think, but then you can't really go far wrong with them - Just don't buy the threaded tube to screw them into, I destroyed the thread on one of my Transit BJ by trying to screw it in.


phil - 15/6/03 at 07:04 AM

My bushes from LOLO were the exactly the same, but all that had happened was that when the sleeves were cut to length, they weren't cleaned out.
The saw or whatever they use had burred the edges over and they just required a dress with a round file.
The cost of the bush kit i bought from them was £25 for 10 so i was not to bothered about the2 mins
i took dressing them up .
Unless the internal wall had been threaded (which i doubt) a shoulder bolt should fit because the shoulder is the same diameter as the highest part of the thread.

kingr - 16/6/03 at 11:50 AM

Nope, I've filed them out and while M10 thread fits, M10 shank doesn't, it's only marginal, but it definately doesn't fit.


paulf - 16/6/03 at 09:27 PM

Why not get a hand reamer and ream them to 10mm, they should then fit over the plain shank of a bolt.Better still get someone to do them in a lathe, my bushes and tubes came from Ron champion when he was in Peterboro and are supposed to be 1/2 inch but are to small also, at present I am using 12mm bolts but intend to ream to 1/2 and change the bolts at sometime.

Originally posted by kingr
Nope, I've filed them out and while M10 thread fits, M10 shank doesn't, it's only marginal, but it definately doesn't fit.


kingr - 17/6/03 at 08:07 AM

Thanks for the suggestions - it's what I plan to do. It does feel like an unneccesary cost though.


Surrey Dave - 17/6/03 at 04:34 PM

Couldn't you use Ye Olde Tuning Flapper , ie a piece of rod (6mm) with a slot cut down about 20mm, with a strip of emery put through and wrapped around itself?. You then insert it in the tube and spin it in an electric drill, (make sure the emery is wrapped the right way)!!!!

If its only marginal it should work quite quickly.

I had a rollover bar of Lolocost and it was a good deal at the time(2000) , and I believe they're cheaper now.

merlin - 17/6/03 at 10:10 PM

why not use 3/8" bolts? (9.525mm), these fit the QH metalastic bush sleeves perfectly. Just a thought.......