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Result of the NSL reduction plans
flak monkey - 30/9/09 at 02:51 PM

Sounds more reasonable than what was originally proposed!

tegwin - 30/9/09 at 02:58 PM

I cant agree with you I am afraid...

All it does is makes it easier for local councils to randomly change speed limits for no apparent reason....

More and more NSL roads will slowly become 50/40 .....With I suspect no drop in fatalities atall..

Its just some ponse in an office somewhere trying to make his mark on politics....

Dropping speed limits wont make people drive slower, if anything people will get fed up with the silly and illogical limits placed and decide their own limit!..

flak monkey - 30/9/09 at 03:04 PM

Quite a few roads have been dropped to 50mph around my area.

You can object to speed limit changes, like planning permission they have to be announced and are usually found in the back pages of the news paper somewhere.

Time will tell I guess.

smart51 - 30/9/09 at 03:05 PM

The response is just semantics. A different wording but the same effect. Advice to councils is to reduce the speed on single carriage ways blah blah blah.

It is symptomatic of this government whose attitude is authoritarian, i.e. they decide what is good for us and make us do it. It is the opposite of liberal politics where you are given the liberty to choose yourself. Don't worry, so long as they don't do it before May, they won't get to do it.

speedyxjs - 30/9/09 at 03:11 PM

We had a 40 section extended by about 500 yards last year and the other week i noticed they had extended it by about another mile

flak monkey - 30/9/09 at 03:12 PM

Originally posted by smart51
It is symptomatic of this government whose attitude is authoritarian, i.e. they decide what is good for us and make us do it. It is the opposite of liberal politics where you are given the liberty to choose yourself. Don't worry, so long as they don't do it before May, they won't get to do it.

Yeah like anyone else is going to be any better All the parties are as bad as each other. None of them even have any of their own policies any more. Its laughable to think we even have a 2 party system. Its more like 1.5 parties to be honest.

All that happens is when the tories get in they look after their guys (pensioners and middle class) and when labour are in the working classes are generally better off. (Don't even bring the economy into it as that wasnt really of government doing this time around)

People are getting increasingly fed up with the 'nanny state' but I dont for one minute think that is going to change at any point in the next 10 years regardless of who is in power.

Until the government stop doing what is seen as the 'politically correct' thing as dictated by either the extreme left (more common now) or the extreme right nothing is going to change. Neither of the 2 main parties have the balls to do it either even though most of it is pushed by minority groups.

Just my 2p worth.

smart51 - 30/9/09 at 03:30 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey

Yeah like anyone else is going to be any better All the parties are as bad as each other. None of them even have any of their own policies any more. Its laughable to think we even have a 2 party system. Its more like 1.5 parties to be honest.

All that happens is when the tories get in they look after their guys (pensioners and middle class) and when labour are in the working classes are generally better off. (Don't even bring the economy into it as that wasnt really of government doing this time around)

People are getting increasingly fed up with the 'nanny state' but I dont for one minute think that is going to change at any point in the next 10 years regardless of who is in power.

People only say that because they think Labour = Socialist, Conservative = Capitalist and Liberal Democrat = in the middle. In truth, New Labour is sort of right of centre but it's defining characteristic is it's Authoritarian-ness. The Conservatives are mid-right-wing and much less Authoritarian. The Lib Dems are Centre to Left of Centre and Libatarians. There's not much between them on the Left to Right axis but a lot on the Authoritarian - Libatarian axis. That's the real difference.

Agriv8 - 30/9/09 at 04:17 PM

Simple explanation.

1, Roads with lower speed limits can be maintained to a lower standard to those with higher limits.

2, Maintaing roads costs money

3, Council Bugets May be getting reduced this Year ?




02GF74 - 30/9/09 at 06:23 PM

The Government believes that this targeted approach is the best way to ensure that speed limits are set at the appropriate level for each road.

there are quite a few roads where you can tank along at 100 mph no probs, but I doubt the Government will chane the speed limit to appropriate level for that toad.

I suspect what will happen is that speed reductions will be thrown in where you'd least exepct them with a few speed cameras thrown in.

rgdavid - 30/9/09 at 07:35 PM

dont they realise that people have to get a bout for bisness , not to mention the lost time & agro that this involves,

jeffw - 30/9/09 at 08:00 PM

(Don't even bring the economy into it as that wasnt really of government doing this time around)

That is complete twaddle I'm afraid. The person who de-regulated the banking system which allowed them to get themselves into the position that caused the collapse was.....Gordon Brown. His actions as Chancellor directly led to the banking collapse.

JoelP - 30/9/09 at 08:19 PM

inappropriately low speed limits would cause more overtaking and hence more risk, which can only lead to more deaths.

martyn_16v - 30/9/09 at 09:05 PM

Originally posted by jeffw
(Don't even bring the economy into it as that wasnt really of government doing this time around)

That is complete twaddle I'm afraid. The person who de-regulated the banking system which allowed them to get themselves into the position that caused the collapse was.....Gordon Brown. His actions as Chancellor directly led to the banking collapse.

And he wasn't exactly afraid to claim the credit for it all while we were enjoying the same long boom as the rest of the world, was he? It's only now it's all gone tits up that it's suddenly all to do with the world economy and not him. End to boom and bust my derriere

bigpig - 30/9/09 at 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Agriv8
Simple explanation.

1, Roads with lower speed limits can be maintained to a lower standard to those with higher limits.

2, Maintaing roads costs money

3, Council Bugets May be getting reduced this Year ?




Slower speed roads tend to require a lot of maintenance. IIRC it was northampton who found that the accident rate went down by just maintaining the roads.

Road maintaining costs a fortune.

I think "budgets reduced" is a major understatement in some authorities. I get the feeling next year is going to be pretty harsh for many authorities with some very hard choices having to be made.

MikeRJ - 30/9/09 at 09:50 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey
Sounds more reasonable than what was originally proposed!

This is Labours SOP in introducing potential unpopular laws/plans etc. Leak out a horrendous version of the plan, everybody is up in arms about it, then denounce the original plans and introduce a cut down version and people are so relieved they accept it.

bigpig - 1/10/09 at 04:58 PM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by flak monkey
Sounds more reasonable than what was originally proposed!

This is Labours SOP in introducing potential unpopular laws/plans etc. Leak out a horrendous version of the plan, everybody is up in arms about it, then denounce the original plans and introduce a cut down version and people are so relieved they accept it.

They all do that its called a fishing expedition. Usually in the form of a "leaked document" which they then investigate but never find a cultprit or its just a junior secretary that is never named. Its been going on for decades, its just that its more blatant and contrived these days.

coozer - 1/10/09 at 05:32 PM

Theres a twisty mile of country road not far from me that was 60mph.. the cooncil kept moving the national signs back and now they gone all together, leaving the first half at 30mph and the second bit at 40mph.

So, I turn left before that and there is another twisty bit of road for 2 miles at 60mph, at the end is the A690 dual carriageway which is 50mph

The whole lot is mad mad mad...