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Q reg and receipts
mcw - 8/8/10 at 11:12 AM

purchased a mk indy which has been used as a track car for a number of years ( never been registerd for the road). I have decided to put it on the road and have filled in the paper work at local DVLA.
I only have the recepit from the purchase and the DVLA man said it will therefore be a Q reg, which is fine. My question is will VOSA be happy with one receipt which is all i have? I know you need receipts for new and age related builds. Appologies if subject has been coverd.

FrankP - 8/8/10 at 11:19 AM

Does it have a valid IVA cert as well?



Dangle_kt - 8/8/10 at 11:23 AM

you dont need any receipts to get a Q.

You do need an IVA pass though - £500ish, plus all the work...

peter bland - 8/8/10 at 11:58 AM

Cheers for the replys,i know i need a IVA ,i am almost ready just my speedo to cheak and see if my steering wheel is IVA ok, i just wanted to get the paper work sorted.

FrankP - 8/8/10 at 12:29 PM

If you dont have recipts and build photos they are more likely to want to do an inspection of the car...
I got away with ot as I had loads of recipts and photos as well as grovaling..

Good Luck



mistergrumpy - 8/8/10 at 12:30 PM

Just a note. Mines a Q plate and DVLA DID want receipts. I tried to explain that they'd been given to VOSA but was asked to get some as it looked "dodgy" to them if I didn't have any.
I suspect they were being their usual gobsh1te selves at Manchester but it's worth maybe not revealing the whole truth to them so that you can print some off if you have to.

Werner Van Loock - 8/8/10 at 02:31 PM

does the car still fall under the amateur build principle, you didn't build it yourself.

matt_claydon - 8/8/10 at 06:37 PM

You need to prove engine age if you're using an old engine with no cat. If you're doing thte cat test anyway it doesn't matter.

peter bland - 8/8/10 at 08:32 PM

Cat fitted, cheers