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Anyone hiring?
Ninehigh - 12/1/12 at 07:56 PM

Looking like I'll be out of a job sometime in April, so anyone hiring? If I can physical and morally do it I'll apply

contaminated - 12/1/12 at 10:02 PM

Sorry to hear that mate. I'm also sorry to say that I'll be posting a similar request on behalf of my dad tomorrow down here in the south-east

A long time since I worked up in your area. I did 8 months at Shell Stanlow oil refinery a while back. Have you checked if they are recruiting? They employed hundreds if not thousands back then. I really enjoyed my time there.


Ninehigh - 12/1/12 at 10:49 PM

I shall have to check, and then I can go to Vauxhall and work with 80% of the men in the town

Do they have anything for someone who's barely qualified to shovel poo? I have been trying to get my Class C but money restricts me...

MikeLR - 12/1/12 at 11:20 PM

Are Jag/Land Rover taking on more staff, been lots of publicity that they are expanding the workforce at Halewood.

Ninehigh - 12/1/12 at 11:24 PM

Actually that wouldn't be too far from me as it would be motorway and expressway all the way. Then again I imagin if they're taking on then Vauxhall would be too?

MikeLR - 12/1/12 at 11:30 PM

I think the figures mentioned in the Daily Post were 1500 !!

Ninehigh - 13/1/12 at 12:13 AM

Well Jaguar are very adamant about where I heard of the vacancy!

Errr, online?

Where online?

Nowhere on your list, so "other"

Where exactly?

I figured I can't put "derr some guy on a forum told me" so I linked them to the site
Hopefully a previous registered interest in building cars will help my application

contaminated - 13/1/12 at 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Ninehigh

Do they have anything for someone who's barely qualified to shovel poo?

Now come on, that's not helping you is it? And yes they do! Chin up mate.

Ninehigh - 13/1/12 at 12:28 AM

Originally posted by contaminated
Originally posted by Ninehigh

Do they have anything for someone who's barely qualified to shovel poo?

Now come on, that's not helping you is it? And yes they do! Chin up mate.

Well I only say that because the formal qualifications I have don't really mean squat anymore (A level psychology, french and german... I'd laugh at me if I was someone else!) and I haven't done any real physical work in over 3 years... I'm sure I can fit 120 bolts an hour