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Today I got pulled.......
Jon Ison - 6/6/07 at 03:23 PM

By the traffic police.......

Passed them at a recorded 70 on my speedo, duel carriageway........

Blue light on, pull over........

"whats the problem officer" ?

"you was speeding"

"I was only doing 70"

"Its 60 on here for a van over 3500kgs"

"But this van as a gross weight of 3000kgs"

"so you gonna plead not guilty to this ticket then" ?

"No I'm going to lift the bonnet and you can read the chassis plate"

He then proceeded to go through the van with a toothcomb looking for something to stick, best he could do was tell me I need a new screen, didnt give me a 7 day must get done ticket type thingy though as it wasn't damaged in the swept area anyway..........had it not been a traffic copper maybe understandable but thought he would have know his vehicles before looking a prat.

Sometimes you get that I know I'm write smug feeling and know you can stand your ground, this was one of them.......

mike smith1 - 6/6/07 at 03:24 PM

Good on you John,

The Bar stools made me go to a weigh bridge with the argument the van was over loaded, hence they were proven wrong!


speedyxjs - 6/6/07 at 03:45 PM

What van was it?

twybrow - 6/6/07 at 03:49 PM

I had a traffic cop run into me when they pulled over. I got stopped cos my mates thought it would be funny to hide my tax disc. An omega tailed me for half a mile, turned his lights on and I pulled in. I came to a stop and the bugger ran into the back of me. He went through the whole process of asking about me/car/destination etc without mentioning it. When he was done I asked him why he had done it, at which point he moaned that my car wasn't damaged (C-Reg brown Micra!) but his bonnet had a big crease in it - like it's my bloody fault!

Jon Ison - 6/6/07 at 03:51 PM

Originally posted by speedyxjs

What van was it?

VW T5 Transporter

02GF74 - 6/6/07 at 03:52 PM

calvinx woild have taken down his numebr and written to tony Balir by now. do keep up

turbodisplay - 6/6/07 at 04:13 PM

You should have accepted the ticket, then taken it to court.
He would have left you alone after the ticket, then you could have made him look like a tit in court.


Danozeman - 6/6/07 at 04:25 PM


You should have accepted the ticket, then taken it to court.

That doesnt often work. Theyl work with the police side. Film it and put it on youtube is best

[Edited on 6/6/07 by Danozeman]

omega 24 v6 - 6/6/07 at 04:55 PM

I've thought this was a very grey area for a while. The key phrase was always (car based van derivatives) of which a transit of any weight capacity is not recognised (at least up here) this makes the speed limit 50 on an a road and a max speed of 60mph on duel/motorway. A good number of guys have been done and dusted locally (no one's challenged it yet to my knowledge) One guy was done for doing 60 in a transit connect on an A road at 10pm it was quiet etc etc but they still did him CNUTS.
So perhaps someone can quote chapter and verse on what the law actually is. (In case I ever get done)

Lawnmower - 6/6/07 at 05:16 PM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6
I've thought this was a very grey area for a while. The key phrase was always (car based van derivatives) of which a transit of any weight capacity is not recognised (at least up here) this makes the speed limit 50 on an a road and a max speed of 60mph on duel/motorway. A good number of guys have been done and dusted locally (no one's challenged it yet to my knowledge) One guy was done for doing 60 in a transit connect on an A road at 10pm it was quiet etc etc but they still did him CNUTS.
So perhaps someone can quote chapter and verse on what the law actually is. (In case I ever get done)

i thought even though its 60mph on a duel carrige way, its actually 70mph on motorway. - theres a poster at work with all this sort of info on.

spw1970 - 6/6/07 at 05:45 PM

I used to get pulled all the time when I was younger despite driving a very modest light blue Cavalier which was in A1 nick and always legal.
One night I got pulled again and I staggered out of the car pretended to fall over and spoke like I'd been drinking for England. When the inevitable breathaliser came back totally clear you have never seen two more disappointed coppers in your life!! Not sure if it was coincidence or word got round but my dealings with the traffic police seemed to dry up after that......

tom_loughlin - 6/6/07 at 06:05 PM

I thought that if it was a car based van, then the limit was 70 on dual carriageways, but if it was a van, and had no car 'genes' then the limit was 60.

either way, their attitude (both the traffic, and regular police) stinks!

Yesterday, I saw a police volvo hurtling over a roundabout...left the M56, only to go off the sliproad, flying over the roundabout, to re-join the motorway.
There was no way in hell he could stop if he had to - no lights/sirens on at all.
He was going way to fast - all four tryes skidding, tyres squealing etc...but as he is police, they are well above the law.
I cant stand them - not personally, but their general attitude towards other motorists.
They lie to prove themselves right....and who is a court going to believe.

MikeRJ - 6/6/07 at 07:06 PM

Originally posted by tom_loughlin
I cant stand them - not personally, but their general attitude towards other motorists.
They lie to prove themselves right....and who is a court going to believe.

That's a bit of a generalisation, there are decent coppers out there, and there are cretins. Luck of the draw really.

I got pulled in my mini when I was about 21, had to sit in the back of the cop car whilst they did PNC check etc. Back of their car was a sh1thole, empty crisp packets and coke tins lying around etc, I had to clear a space on the seat just to sit on it. As they were giving me a sarky lecture and the dangers of exceeding the speed limit at 3:00AM, I noticed something under my feet. The coppers hat! Needles to say, I reckon he would have had problem wearing that one again...

Then again have been pulled by a couple of genuinely decent coppers and have spent 15 minutes just having a chat about cars etc. before parting with a "drive safely" from them.

JoelP - 6/6/07 at 08:25 PM

i got pulled for a missing headlight, i guess they took pity that i was working at 11pm on a sunday, one got a bit funny about not displaying a tax disc, the other just accepted that having it sat on the dash was nearly as good.

As for the speed limit for vans, i normally do 96. sod em....

omega 24 v6 - 6/6/07 at 08:40 PM


As for the speed limit for vans, i normally do 96. sod em....

LOL I know what you mean. A company in the Dunfermline area has a pic of one of there sprinters caught on camers with around 126mph showing Is it possible?????????

turbodisplay - 6/6/07 at 09:12 PM

I wasn`t aware of any lower limit for vans.
I have been driving my citroen dispatch at car speeds. Whats the diffenence (handling wise) between it and a mpv - NONE!

JoelP - 6/6/07 at 09:14 PM

i doubt the gearing on any sprinter would get to 126, but i can guarantee that a 416 has the power to get there with a good downward slope. Mine is only a 211 and gets to 100 at the first sign of a downhill straight

turbodisplay - 6/6/07 at 09:35 PM

I once got pulled in my van.
Urban road, saw two policemen talking to a man, so checked i was doing 30.
Same man ran accross the road, so i slamed my foot on the brake, then pumped brake to ensure maximium decelleration. Brought it to rest well short.
Policeman pulled me over, told me to slow down.
"doing 30, he ran out in front of me - no warning, not looking"
"Slow down".

Gave up arguing as he was a tit.

Didn`t chastize the man, just me as i`m the driver it`s my fault. Its bad enough running someone over, but in front of a policeman its worse. It would have allowed him to fill his quota for the day!
