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OBP Accelerator Cable fitment
mikeb - 6/7/12 at 11:26 AM

There was some discussion a while ago about attaching a throttle cable to the OBP pedal box.
Do poeople have pics of their solutions?


[Edited on 6/7/12 by mikeb]

skinyin - 29/8/12 at 10:20 PM

Hi that's a good question just got one myself have mailed obp for an answer

frodo_monkey - 31/8/12 at 09:01 AM

It isn't on a Se7en-style car but I have one fitted to my race car - see here:

for pretty much what I did. In sum, remove accelerator pedal from pedal box, pop onto pillar drill and drill a hole about halfway through to roughly the size of your cable stop. Hacksaw a slot from the end of the pedal into the hole you just drilled. I also had a distinctive ridge on my cable stop so lockwired it to the pedal - seems to work. Shall find a pic later to explain better!

jimgiblett - 31/8/12 at 10:03 AM

from experience I have found that the cable need to pivot easily on the end of the pedal else they soo fatigue and break so I used a small clevis pin attached to the pedal with an M4 bolt with a nyloc holding the bolt in place but not clamping the clevis. An "L" shaped piece of 3mm ally holds the cable outer.

Not a particularly helpful agle in the picture but gives the general idea.

- Jim