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Prop Shaft (Again)
The Doc - 10/2/08 at 09:49 PM

Would you necessarily feel vibration with an out of balance prop?

I ask this as I shortened my prop and have not sensed any vibration at any speed. Is this OK/lucky or could there be something sinister happening undetected?

Mr Whippy - 11/2/08 at 01:49 AM

either luck or you took your time and lined it up right, nice one

put your hand on the base of the gearstick to feel if there's any vibration

[Edited on 11/2/08 by Mr Whippy]

JB - 11/2/08 at 07:33 PM

The best way to tell is to run a "clock" on the tube and see how much out of round it is. It is is more than 0.2mm I would recommend getting it balanced. You can do this in a lathe or on the car.

You may be lucky (very lucky)..... when I was building propshafts about 1 in 30 would not need any weight...........

PS. If you answer you havent got a "clock" to check then how did you get it straight before welding?

[Edited on 11/2/08 by JB]