posted on 14/2/09 at 04:45 PM |
emissions at sva with zx12 engine
i am new on this forum.
I come to you because i have build a Westfield XTR2 with Kawasaki ZX12r engine.
i am trying to get the car through SVA test.Everything is OK , except emissions.
Engine is standard,ECu is standard, wiring loom is from the bike with mods to adapt to the car ( lights,etc..)I have add cat exhaust, fuel pressure
regulator and Power commander PC3r.
I have drop down fuel pressure from 46 to 20-17 PSI, tried to adjust with the Power Comander, but no way to get the right emissions between 2500 and
3000 RPM.
Required level are : CO 0.3 %, HC : 200 ppm with Lambda between 0.97 to 1.03.
If i adjust the Lambda value, Co is too high.
If I adjust CO, LAmbda is too high.
The engine is not equiped with O2 sensor.
What would you recomend ?
Is there any O2 sensor kit i could add to have correction on injection ?
I am running out of time because i have to complete SVA before end of March.
Any comment or proposal will be welcome.
thanks in advance
PS : sorry for bad english, but i live in Belgium so .....
posted on 14/2/09 at 07:16 PM |
Just re-read your post and realised you have a power commander.
Just load the software (that came with it) on a laptop and take to someone with an emmissions tester to create a map for sva/future mot's.
Don't run with this after sva at the risk of engine damage.
Tune the map after sva for road use, either trial and error or rolling road.
I have an innovate xd-16 gauge and LC-1 oxygen sensor on my R1 bec.
I've yet to run it, but the hope is that I can tune mine myself using the gauge.
Also I have an lcd readout for the power commander so that the car can be tuned while driving (by the passenger!) without the laptop. It also has an
SD card so that I can switch maps on the fly!
[Edited on 14/2/2009 by nitram38]
posted on 14/2/09 at 07:32 PM |
thanks for your reply,
i have tried the way you explained (creating a map while emissions were check by a lambda sensor), but i can not get to the required levels.
this is why i would like to know if there is something else to try.
posted on 14/2/09 at 07:39 PM |
The sva tester is going to use an emissions tester stuck up your exhaust tailpipe. I can only suggest you use the same method to adjust your fueling.
rusty nuts
posted on 14/2/09 at 08:03 PM |
Try setting the fast idle co using the pressure regulator and then trim the normal idle with the power commander .Worked on my bosses XTR2 with a
Hyabusa lump . Double check you have no exhaust or induction leaks as these will cause problems .