posted on 8/3/04 at 09:54 AM |
Dashboard and SVA
Hi guys,
We're almost ready for SVA on second car. Need to know what the latest is re: bottom dashboard radius. What have any of you guys used.
We used pipe lagging on first car with no probs. We are booked into Derby SVA centre.
posted on 8/3/04 at 10:29 AM |
A solid 'Hard' faced dash needs a 19mm radius edge !! a padded one needs alot less, they are getting smarter to the use of
'temporary' edges and are failling the pipe lagging type !! Donut used black heater hose Fixed on, but the examiner was very dubious
about it and i think he might not allow that sort of thing again, this said, all examiners are different so you never know, If in doubt, over do it,
it is about yours/and your passenger 's safety after all !!
posted on 8/3/04 at 11:33 AM |
agree with Jason,
the pipe lagging is pretty much a no no if you want to assure yourself there will be no questions asked, check out Hellfires website, (at least i
think its him ) He has used a neat method involving cutting some wooden profiled edging he bought, think i may be doing it that way once the time
Click Here
posted on 8/3/04 at 01:25 PM |
Hellfires site says he used 20mm diameter That won't pass then We are doing this area at the moment and not really sure what we are going
Cheers Austen
RGB car number 9
posted on 8/3/04 at 02:18 PM |
My dash passed on friday, I used a TV mast, drill a few holes in the bottom of the dash, tie rapped in on, silicon sealed in the gaps, painted it
black and added some pipe lagging, the inspecter passed it no problem. Guess whats the first thing to come off :-)
Got my Re-re-test tomorrow 11.30 :-) IT WILL PASS
posted on 8/3/04 at 02:48 PM |
I'm led to believe the pipe lagging will pass as long as its covered with vinyl and made to look as if its a permanent fitting.
any thoughts on this ?
posted on 8/3/04 at 02:50 PM |
I guess it will pass if it doesn't look like it could still lag a pipe after you take it off down the road !! ( ie looks like it is a permanent
fixture )
posted on 8/3/04 at 02:51 PM |
I see from your pitures you have used the same ali angle down the tunnel top/side as i have. Did you doi anything to cover this up at SVA regards the
radius test??
Cheers Austen
RGB car number 9
posted on 8/3/04 at 02:59 PM |
nope they failed this as well, in the end the inspector told me to super glue some u edge rubber down the tunnel, again looks crap but he passed it,
my ali strip is going back on as soon as it passes, the car looks crap at the minute, but it passes there tests, oh that reminds me I have to re-stick
the trim on with some more super glue out side the test centre :-). He even failed my gear stick as this didn't have a 3.2 radius on it ( I
thought it was only a 2.5 radius they check for ) I thought they didn't look at anything that wasn't on the fail sheet, my retest on
friday took nearly 3 hours, It was a different guy and he seemed to do the full test again apart from testing the brakes.
THE CAR WILL PASS TOMORROW ( I hope, fingers and toes crossed :-) so close now I can smell the Pass certificate.
posted on 8/3/04 at 10:18 PM |
Firstly, good luck tomorrow John.
With regards to the dash, I bent a small sheet of ali plate around an axle stand (40mm diameter) and then used a few self tappers to attach it to my
temporary dashboard (MDF). You only need to radius the dash on the passenger side, up to 127mm before the steering wheel, as beyond that point is
exempt from testing.
With regards the tunnel top, I stuck sticky foam tape over all of the edges and he didn't give any of them a second look. It's not the
most sticky stuff in the world, so wouldn't recommend using it on a rainy day!! It takes about 10 seconds to apply and the same to remove.
It's difficult to explain but if you look at 15th Feb on my build site you will see what I mean. Both very quick, easy, cheap and not
'temporary' in the eye's of SVA.
posted on 9/3/04 at 02:40 PM |
Hellfires site says he used 20mm diameter That won't pass then We are doing this area at the moment and not really sure what
we are going do
On page 4 Interior Fittings of the 2004 SVA Manual sub-section 6 states:
"Check the intrument panelm lower edge (where positioned within the specified zone) is rounded to a radius of not less than 19mm (5mm if covered
with a non-rigid material)"
As ours is covered with foam,
then it'll be covered with leather it'll pass!
Following our example will pass 2004 SVA Regulations.
[Edited on 9-3-04 by Hellfire]
posted on 9/3/04 at 02:51 PM |
sorry, didn't see any mention of foam anywhere!!
Your car is looking great, our back ends are going to look virtually identical, especially as we are buying those same lights this weekend!
Cheers Austen
RGB car number 9
posted on 9/3/04 at 03:00 PM |
Our dash at present. Making the flat panels to put on the front at the moment. I think a small radius and plenty of padding as Hellfire has done will
![](/galpreviews/mk_0611.JPG) ![dash and console](/gallery/mk_0611.JPG) dash and console
And this will cover the dials in the centre
And the warning lights inserted into the dash
[Edited on 9/3/04 by MK9R]
Cheers Austen
RGB car number 9
posted on 10/3/04 at 05:15 PM |
very nice Austen.... we have patience (or is that patients).... but maybe not THAT much!
Looking good!
Be careful with the clearance for the lights!
posted on 10/3/04 at 06:05 PM |
Your car is looking great, our back ends are going to look virtually identical, especially as we are buying those same lights this weekend!
Austen - I'm intrigued it looks as though you are building your car in a loft?
If so were you inspired by that story of the POWs at Colditz building a glider in the roof space? - Alan
posted on 11/3/04 at 07:36 AM |
yes, you are right, its in the garage loft!!! There are 2 trap doors in the floor to lower (hopefully) the finished car through!!! I've
actually built another chassis from scratch up there, but that time there was no trap door, we had to cut it out to get the chassis out!
The trap doors:-
Hoisting it up
![](/images//smilies/wink.gif) ![](/images//smilies/wink.gif) ![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif)
Cheers Austen
RGB car number 9
posted on 11/3/04 at 12:21 PM |
know that's making the most of your space ![](/images//smilies/bigsmile.gif)
I drink to make other people interesting.
Alistair Mc
posted on 11/3/04 at 12:42 PM |
I used a length of guttering glued on to the mdf dash then covered with vynal. The underside is blanked off with vynal covered ali. see pics
posted on 11/3/04 at 05:03 PM |
Now that looks cool!!! Tunnel panel looks dogs bo!!ox. Well done fella!!
posted on 11/3/04 at 05:15 PM |
[Mr Burns]
Excellent... come to me my pretty!
[/Mr Burns]
Nice interior Alistair! How'd you do it?
EDIT: Also, just been looking at your photo archive. Have you eliminated Tube 'R' completely? Or is it just hidden beneath that massive
[Edited on 11/3/04 by James]
posted on 11/3/04 at 07:46 PM |
Interior looks very nice Ali.....can you guess what I have planned for us to do when you are over on Saturday... You see, my Fury needs.........
Alistair Mc
posted on 12/3/04 at 10:56 AM |
by tube r do you mean the diagonal across the engine bay, if so it had to go no room for the engine or abs otherwise. Hope is wont flex to much.
the centre is mdf covered in vynal. will post some new pictures on website at