daniel mason
posted on 20/8/11 at 02:49 PM |
Wheel speed calcs
When running 205/60/13 yoko ao48 what's the exact distance of one complert revolution of the wheel?
I am wanting to set up my speedo but and know the diff ratio and the number of pulses per prop rotation but the measurements I'm doing are not
accurate and differ with each one! Imsuppose tyre pressure will play a part too
posted on 20/8/11 at 02:57 PM |
posted on 20/8/11 at 02:59 PM |
Are you sure you know have the correct axle ratio in your calcs?
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daniel mason
posted on 20/8/11 at 03:14 PM |
I am fairly sure the Honda s2000 diff is 4.1:1
daniel mason
posted on 20/8/11 at 03:38 PM |
So can someone verify my calcs based on the info given?
1609= meters per mile
4.1:1 diff ratio
1.747 meters = rolling circumferance
6 pulses per prop rotation (6 bolts on prop)
6x 4.1 = pulses per wheel rotation.= 24.6 pulses
1609/ 1.747 = 921.007441. Which is meters per mile/ wheel circumference
921.007441 x 24.6 = 22,656.7831 pulses per mile
posted on 21/8/11 at 07:30 AM |
That looks right
Is there a place where you have to input 22,656.7831 then?
daniel mason
posted on 21/8/11 at 10:49 AM |
Yeah. The race technology dash 2 requires pulses per mile in either meters or inches!
As the speed sensor is on the prop with 6 bolts and diff is 4.1:1 the result is so large.
Would I be more accurate to calculate it in inches rather than meters
posted on 21/8/11 at 11:53 AM |
I don't think it is a math or setting problem more likely you aren't getting a clean 6 pulse signal per rotation of the prop, the
only way to check would be to look at the signal with an oscilloscope
posted on 21/8/11 at 12:00 PM |
does the sensor have a small light to let you know its getting a clean reading?