posted on 21/6/20 at 12:58 PM |
Registration info
Hello all
It been a while but I am buying another kit car,my question is that I have seen a car which was Sva tested in 2006 using a donor G plate 1989. On the
reg doc it states first reg 2006 however on the mot info it states 1989 as per donar car. Is this normal tittle of car on both is the same
posted on 26/6/20 at 08:59 AM |
probably too late for you now but that sounds ok to me
first use/reg should be when it was resisted after the IVA/SVA
the age of the donor has nothing to do with the IVA/SVA, except if thats being used as part of the proof of the engines's age at the test - this
sets the emissions limits for the car, but to get these limits all they'd actually need is proof that the engine is pre-Aug 1995
So on a BEC the emissions limits will have nothing to do with the donor car
once its registered - the V5 should then show the emission level from the SVA/IVA so that the MOT testers have know what to test it to
in addition to that (and totally separate from emissions) if they used enough qualifying parts from a single donor then you can get the age related
plate when its registered - if you can't prove this you get a Q plate.
this is just recognition that while its a 'new' car it wasn't built from all new parts
(with age related being for a known source of parts and Q plate for unknown or too many different sources)
of course if someone has swapped the engine after registration it may be newer than the one used at the SVA, but the emission limit doesn't
[Edited on 26/6/2020 by mcerd1]
posted on 27/6/20 at 06:26 PM |
Hello again
it was registered on a G plate from the donor and has now got a private plate on it
posted on 28/6/20 at 09:12 AM |
quote: Originally posted by sonic
Hello again
it was registered on a G plate from the donor and has now got a private plate on it
Then it’s not registered correctly it’s a ringer
The V5 will be the original one for the doner
It’s all about the V5 it should say the name of the kit not Escort or Sierra, should also say 2 seat sports another clue is axle weights
[Edited on 28/6/20 by snapper]
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