NS Dev
posted on 31/3/05 at 07:58 AM |
What stage should I call the local VRO at to organise inspection visit?
At what stage of my build should I organise an inspection by the local VRO? (It is notts VRO by the way, presume they do visits?)
How complete does the car need to be?
David Jenkins
posted on 31/3/05 at 08:04 AM |
I can only speak of my experience with Ipswich DVLA, but here goes:
It's best to arrange the visit before the SVA, so that the VIN can be agreed (and you'll be able to tax the car straight after the SVA!)
and all the paperwork checked and sorted.
I was told to arrange the visit once the car was near-enough complete - recognisably a whole car - which worked out at around a month or so prior to
the SVA. In my case, the car only needed that multitude of little jobs to complete it.
Anyway, introduce yourself to the Notts DVLA man and talk it through with him.
NS Dev
posted on 31/3/05 at 10:22 AM |
thanks, I'll get a bit more done to it yet then!
posted on 31/3/05 at 11:44 AM |
Did you agree a VIN number by telephone before the visit or was the number agreed during the visit?
I am assuming that the number would need to be agreed and attached to the vehicle before the end of the inspection. Is that correct?
David Jenkins
posted on 31/3/05 at 11:47 AM |
I was a bit cheeky - I couldn't get the local DVLA on the phone, so I wrote them a letter. I said what I was doing, and proposed my own VIN,
which they accepted. It was on the chassis when the man called.
Not every office works this way - some insist on supplying the VIN.
posted on 31/3/05 at 08:43 PM |
Hi Craig
I telephoned DVLA last week and they organised someone to phone me regarding a VIN number. A guy phoned from Edinburgh office and I was given a VIN
number over the phone with a recommendation that I didn't stamp it until i got the written confirmation. Arrived the next day.
PS.. They wouldn't accept a VIN number that I made up... i had to use theirs.
posted on 31/3/05 at 10:39 PM |
Thanks for the info.
I actually phoned the "local" DVLA number today and spoke to someone in a call center (in Swansea judging by the accent). She seemed to
know what I was talking about and said she would send me out the relevant pack, including an application form for the vehicle inspection.
I'll wait and see what the information pack says and then see if I can get hold of the same guy you spoke to. I'm not bothered about
choosing my own VIN number or anything, I just want to get it sorted as smoothly as possible.
I'll let you know how I get on...
posted on 1/4/05 at 08:32 PM |
I arranged for Notts DVLA man to check my car when it was close to completion, but while it was still possible to easily check stuff like the gearbox,
steering column etc. The bloke who came to me was called Ric Yould (spelling may be incorrect). Great bloke, interested in the car and explained all
the paperwork and requirements very well. He was with me for about 25 minutes all in.
David Jenkins
posted on 1/4/05 at 09:26 PM |
The main message is - get in touch.
Probably with DVLA Swansea to start with, then your local office. Start a dialogue with whoever the kitcar rep is, and work from there - works for
most people!
posted on 2/4/05 at 06:56 AM |
I got the inspection done once the wheels and engine/gearbox/diff was fitted and it was starting to look like a car. I had to laugh as the bloke keep
giving me the "nudge nudge wink wink" about where the parts came from so I could get an age related plate! Best of it was all the parts
did come from where I said they did, suspect he's seen too many Fireblade engines Sierra over the years.
" I only registered to look at the pictures, now I'm stuck with this username for the rest of my life!"