posted on 23/4/05 at 10:23 PM |
permanent power
Just to clarify, what do I need , for SVA, to be powered with the ignition OFF?
I am sure of Hazard lights, not 100% sure on Horn, side lights or anything else i've not thought of.
posted on 24/4/05 at 08:38 AM |
Hi Colin,
Hazard lights and horn for SVA.
And my rad fan has a permenant feed so it will continue to run after the ignition is turned off.
posted on 24/4/05 at 09:16 AM |
Cheers mate.
Yea got the fan and hazards.
Wiring the Sierra stalk to the bike loom and it occurred to me that most production cars you CAN put on at least the sidelights, and some the
headlights without the ignition. Sidelights=Parking lights for use whilst away from the car?
My Ford Mundano horn works with no ignition too?
Are these production conveniences or nessesities?
posted on 24/4/05 at 09:22 AM |
Older Vauxhall horns only work with the ignition on..
Built the purple peril!! Let the modifications begin!!
posted on 24/4/05 at 09:39 AM |
I guess they are just things car companies think are good ideas.
As far as I am aware only the horn and hazards have to work with the ignition off.
David Jenkins
posted on 24/4/05 at 10:05 AM |
I don't think the horn is a requirement - just hazards and 'position lights' (sidelights). In fact, thinking about it, I'm
sure it's an offence to sound your horn while stationary...
posted on 24/4/05 at 11:12 PM |
I've done it now and I think ive got the sidelights to work without the ignition on, it made sense. Cheers
posted on 25/4/05 at 11:57 AM |
Horn is not tested for SVA.