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Author: Subject: Chase VOSA - don't end up like me!

posted on 17/6/06 at 11:20 AM Reply With Quote
Chase VOSA - don't end up like me!

I filled in the forms, double, triple checked. Inlcuded the cheque for £150.00 and sent away 'recorded' delivery!

Sat back 20th May and thought - ace!

10th June - still heard nothing.. Rang them the convo went like this:

Me: "Hi, heard nothing about my SVA date - gave all details etc"

Her: " have you completed the form and sent back"

Me: "The original forms I sent back with the cheque"

Her: "No the amateur built declaration form! - The computer says we still need it back"

Me: "I have never received such a form???"

Her: "Well we sent it on the 23 May"

Me: "I repeat, I have never seen this form and do you think I would be ringing to chase it through if I still had a form to complete?"

I got her to send 2 out - 1 to my work address, 1 to my home address. I've since sent it back.

Question - why don't they FKIN include it in the original paperwork? Fkers!

Oh well - I might be OTR in time for Winter at this rate :-(

If you believe you're not crazy, whilst everybody is telling you, you are - then they are definitely wrong!

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posted on 17/6/06 at 11:56 AM Reply With Quote
I rang the SVA station, to see if they had a date and he said, had I filled in the declaration form. A nice suprise which delayed things by about two weeks.

Once you've sent the form back, give it a few days then ring the SVA station and see if they've had the forms passed onto them. They are sent a pile at a time, you don't want to be at the bottom of the pile at this time of year.


The sooner you fall behind, the more time you'll have to catch up.

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