Paul (Notts)
posted on 13/2/08 at 05:24 PM |
Vin number and British Standards
For those who read my post yesterday, the reason why I am having problems registering my kit now that it has passed its SVA is
1. I made up my own vin number
2. It does not conform to British Standards
The reason it does not conform to British Standards is that they state the first few letters are the manufacturers code which they have been allocated
The rest of the letters and numbers relate to the year of manufacture and the model in a specific code.
I did think as an armature build I could make up a number with the correct 17 characters and no banned letters but apparently not.
The situation now is – I have a car that has passed sva, has a MAC and my own number stamped in it.
I am not allowed to register it
If I change the chassis number the MAC does not match.
I see a long battle ahead with the local DVLA.
Any advice welcome

posted on 13/2/08 at 05:27 PM |
Do what? Who is saying this? Sounds usual DVLA borrocks to me.... What exactly about the VIN number do they have a problem with?
Making up your own number is not a problem. What BS number are they saying it doesn't comply with?
posted on 13/2/08 at 05:33 PM |
This was just a time to happen.
How can you give a locost a VIN number of a car wich maybe is a UK Corsa wich is registered else where. On wiki is a list of the manufactures
You should follow the procedure of a Double VIN number in the system.
In my opinion they need to allow you to do a change in the number else you cant do nothing.....
maybe you can go better to the SVA station and ask them if they can give you a new MAC with another chasis number????
thats what i would do, ask the man if he wants to test your car again wich is recently tested then you can change your chasisnumber and then he will
change 1 MAC for another...
The above comments are always meant to be from the above persons perspective.
posted on 13/2/08 at 05:46 PM |
there are certain EU standards that give details like manufacturer/build date/version etc on the vin no,maybe its this that is confusing them
who cares who wins
pass the pork pies
posted on 13/2/08 at 06:34 PM |
Easy solution - take the car to a different DVLA office. No other office has ever had a problem as far as I know.
If you want to persevere with your local office, why not just ask the person who has refused your number what they would like you to do about it?
I'm sure they will accept your MAC even though the VIN on it will be the old one.
posted on 13/2/08 at 06:38 PM |
Hello Paul.
I would start by contacting the DVLA and asking "That if you get a Chassis number issued from Luego" could you change what you have on the
Also how you go about changing the Mac that will then have the incorrect information on it.
I don't know what your VIN is but there is a chance you could say it was issued by Luego and just contact Luego and ask them if they will back
you up by supplying a letter confirming they issued it.
The DVLA do p*** me off at times.
posted on 13/2/08 at 07:01 PM |
Just been through this they made me change the chassis number but accepted that the MAC belonged to the car as that was the chassis number at the time
of SVA. After a few hassles and the old "you need an MOT" (you don't!) and two inspections with the new number they gave me the
plates. I resisted their attempt to give me an all new number and added characters to the existing number that they didn't like, I must admit
mine does start with characters representing the manufacturer, my initials and includes the date I originally applied for SVA so I suppose it broadly
follows what they are expecting. Good luck, and don't forget to tell your insurance co if you change the chassis number and need to drive it to
posted on 13/2/08 at 09:39 PM |
Try Nottingham DVLA office
My Vin was made up by the person I bought the car from.
When I went to the DVLA office for the checkup, they found no problem.
It is three letters, followed by eight numbers, making 11 characters. This was accepted last August.
In fact checking my V5 with the letters on the chassis they don't even agree.
Give Nottinghan a ring, do your SVA at Nottingham, giving the DVLA office plenty of notice and they will do the checks there and you will have your
reg two to three days later.
I certainly did, and the testers at Nottingham will not fail your car unless it's absolutely necasary. Martin one of the the testers actually
helped me with one of the failure itens so he could send me home with the MAC ticket
posted on 14/2/08 at 12:39 PM |
FYI I believe it is the Nottingham DVLA Office which is being "helpful".