posted on 16/4/09 at 07:18 AM |
Unmarked Copper fuel pipe
Hi Guys,
My SVA test is on monday and i have just realised the copper fuel pipe is not marked in any way. I have used marked rubber pipe for the bendy joins
but the full length pipe is copper and is not marked. I'm sorry if this topic has been covered... had a search and didn't find much.
Thanks Dan
posted on 16/4/09 at 07:28 AM |
Mine passed with unmarked copper lines. (10mm microbore)
posted on 16/4/09 at 07:36 AM |
Yup, markings are only required on the rubber bits. Copper (or any other metal) pipes are assumed fuel proof.
[Edited on 16/4/09 by AdamR]
posted on 16/4/09 at 07:49 AM |
Mine passed OK with unmarked Ø8mm copper pipe for the fixed fuel lines.
posted on 16/4/09 at 07:51 AM |
Excellent news. Thanks guys. Was having nightmares about replacing the fuel lines!! Lol
All is well. Just everything else to finish for monday now!!
posted on 16/4/09 at 04:33 PM |
used stainless overbraided rubber but had the receipt to show it as fuel grade so no problem
good luck
"If it looks like it works and it feels like it works, then it works"