posted on 5/8/09 at 03:13 PM |
DVLA documentation
Now after my SVA retest pass i have the V55/5 documentation arrived.
Is this the correct form?
What are the next stages?
I would like a age related plate.
I have the V5 documentaion, vin plates etc from the donor ,which is still sorn.
posted on 5/8/09 at 03:45 PM |
Yes, thats the right form.
You'll also need form V627/1 (Built up inspection report) and all the stuff listed on the check list at the end of the V55/5.
Next stage is to contact your local DVLA office (easiest to call in, as all phone calls now go through Swansea) and get the forms to them and arrange
a DVLA inspection. Exact order/procedure varies depending on the local offices interpretation of the rules.
"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire
posted on 5/8/09 at 03:59 PM |
If you have already had your build up inspection at Northampton then you just need to fill the forms in and take them there .I did mine this way and
had it registered and a taxed, with a form to get number plates in about half an hour.
Then went home bought number plates and was on the road.
posted on 5/8/09 at 05:21 PM |
I turned up at Northampton one day with completed V55 & V627, mac cert, & insurance certificate. Also I had a large file with ALL my receipts,
Log book for old vehicle, and Photos. Also anything else I thought might be useful, but excluding kit car.
They could not decided which sort of plate I would be getting, so I sat there and told them.. One lad eventually got their bible out and after
it looked like he checked he agreed that I was right. I then paid my money, and they gave me a date for the inspection and on that Day I brought the
car to them. Four days later I received a VERY large recorded delivery parcel with all my documents, road fund and authority to purchase plates.
Beware of the Goldfish in the tulip mines. The ONLY defence against them is smoking peanut butter sandwiches.