posted on 24/3/05 at 08:18 AM |
Insuring 2 cars on 1 policy
Does anyone know a company that lets you have 2 cars on 1 policy. I can add a second car to my insurance for 49 days for £10 admin charge but I would
like a policy that cover both for the year.
Surely it makes sence as I can only drive 1 at a time, the unused car will be garaged so it should work out alot cheaper than 2 policies.
This is not for my locost but I am not wanting to replace my Prelude but it is now old and high miles and I expect to have to start doing work on it
but need it for a 70mile 5 day a week commute plus the 6 month old means I get an hour or so of a night to play so plan on taking my maws car as a
"spare". 899cc Cinquicento I forgot how much fun it was having to really drive a car in order to overtake.
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barrie sharp
posted on 24/3/05 at 08:42 AM |
I have tryed to do this myself but to no avail. there used to be a riders policy for motorbikes based on the fact that you cant ride two bikes at the
same time.
I have tryed all the major companys about this. How easy would it be to insure my van and two cars under one policy but there are no one that is
interested .I suppose that three policys is better than one for them .
Anyone on here that is linked to insurance company that can tell me why?
the cars looking good" a blind man would be pleased to see it"
''stop press'' the blind mans seen it said "it felt ok"
posted on 24/3/05 at 08:56 AM |
I think its got some thing to do with there being a min of third party insurance on the car even to park it on the road out side your house....ie car
must be insured to be on the road not pearson...And something more to do with the goverment geting its full whack on road tax ???
I used to have rider policys on bikes but I beleive that has also now changed....The last time I looked into this you could add a bike to the policy
but it was the bike that was insured not just the rider.....
posted on 24/3/05 at 10:38 AM |
I guess the insurance companies are just.....
money grabbing again. As if they don't get enough already.
I guess I will just take out a new policy. Elephant do a 10month bonus accelerator for £150 tpf&t so tha way I can build up a new ncb.
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posted on 24/3/05 at 11:15 AM |
I do the 10 month bonus accel. Its a good policy for building up ncb.
Elephant also quote cheaper for young males by policy. So always worth a go.
Although I would prefer it if they ploughed their profits into reducing my premium rather than protecting Africas wildlife., which I do care bout but
not when insuring my car
posted on 24/3/05 at 12:15 PM |
The only policies i know of that are multi vehicle are traders policies. They are normally expensive, sometimes only cover 3rd party damage and when
they need to pay out total loss only agree a trade value. may not be ideal.
Probably best to have 2 seperate but take one on limited mileage / restricted driver etc. I saw an advert recently for a young persons policy based on
how much you use the car and if at peak times or not. GPS based. You pay for the box then get invoiced every month depending how much you've
used it. May have been in Classic Ford or PPC.
posted on 24/3/05 at 01:05 PM |
There used to be a couple of companies that did family fleet policies for 3 or more vehicles although I think one may have dropped out. HOWEVER when I
enquired the cost of the fleet policy was exactly the same as insuring all the vehicles separately despite having no no claims on the third car.
Rule 1 – they are going to get your money one way or another.
http://www.countrylifeassurance.co.uk/ is one still doing them I think
posted on 24/3/05 at 09:30 PM |
How about doing the 49 day thing for a tenner and then renewing it again.I used to be with a company that did a temporary additional car for a month
at a time and used to just keep renewing it.