posted on 27/1/09 at 03:58 PM |
chassis ID - where/what from?
Quite a fundamental question, but where should my MK indy's chassis no. come from?
I bought the car from someone else part built. He scrapped the sierra donour but kept the ID plate from the engine bay stating chassis no. He also
gave me an MK plate but that simply has MK and their contact phone number on it - below which is a space that looks like you might write a chassis no.
in it.
I have searched a few posts and noticed some disagreements on what is required in this area - ie a riveted plate vs welded plate etc. I currently have
Should I be using the sierra chassis no? or should I have one from MK? I have no problem in getting an ID plate stamped at work and I'll weld it
on if required.
NOTE:This user is registered as a LocostBuilders trader and may offer commercial services to other users
posted on 27/1/09 at 04:11 PM |
You need to get a chassis number from the DVLA (or make one up if you local DVLA office allows this - phone and ask) Then you need to get this
number stamped permanently onto the chassis somewhere, normally the drivers side.
I tried to stamp it into the chassis but found it was just deforming the box section, so instead I stamped it on a piece of steel and welded it to the
Hope this helps
posted on 27/1/09 at 04:41 PM |
The path of least resistance is to write to your local DVLA office and request a VIN no. for your car. The stamp on a visible chasis rail in the
engine bay - job done.
posted on 27/1/09 at 04:43 PM |
some dvla offices request a seperate metal plate riveted to the chassis.
posted on 27/1/09 at 05:06 PM |
ok I've just bashed a letter out. how long does the process take?
NOTE:This user is registered as a LocostBuilders trader and may offer commercial services to other users
posted on 29/1/09 at 08:46 AM |
As with everythin to do with DvLA as long as they feel like plus another go to fix their cock-ups
posted on 29/1/09 at 09:08 AM |
I wrote to local office and proposed a number. Got a call within 2 days to say it was OK. They told me to stamp directly onto chassis or stamp a plate
and weld it on.
The reason some people rivet a seperate plate in a more accessible position is so that its easy to get to and read should the need arise.
The second good reason why its good to write in is that if they call you back you can save their direct dial number. This can be handy.
When you say last owner scrapped the donor, do you know if it was officially scrapped (via the V5) or was it just physically scrapped (as in chassis
disposed of but paperwork was kept)? If the latter this is good for re-registration later but ensure it is on SORN.