posted on 1/8/09 at 09:37 AM |
How about a new getting your car legal 101
Given that most of the links of the total kit car site are now invalid and that the DVLA site for how to get your "Kit car" "Kit
conversion" is pretty much useless, does anyone have a definitive up to date guide?
There seems to be a conflict of "you can make up your own VIN/Its given by DVLA"
You need a DVLA inspection to get a VIN, Can/Can't drive to DVLA for inspection, Can't drive to get the VIN without the VIN, have to get
the stamp done by a garage"
Why can't the flipping authority responsible for this whole process just put the facts down and step by step in a clear manner rather than just
have a few woolly web pages that link it a cycle?
Or is it just a case of phoning that nice ex-DVLA bloke and paying him £35 or whatever he charges to do the whole thing?
Perhaps its time for a refresh of the stickies?
I feel like writing an "angry of Tunbridge Wells letter to DVLA about the style over substance nature of the website"
It doesn't seem the "do it online" is much use as it allows you to order paper work, but none for kit/radically altered.
posted on 1/8/09 at 09:58 AM |
Is this maybe something which warrants a page being created in Wikipedia? You know, have an entry for "Locost" and then have sections for
the SVA, IVA, DVLA registration, some links to the relevant books and articles etc etc.
I've never created a Wiki page before but I'm sure someone on here will have done and it seems to me to be a semi-permanent way to provide
information on the web in a way that is neutral to any specific web site such as or totalkitcar etc.
Just a thought. Good idea? Bad idea? Comments welcome.
Edit: I see there is already a "Locost" entry in WikiP which may be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how community editing is
handled. Does someone "own" a Wiki page or is it a democracy of sorts when it comes to editing?
[Edited on 1/8/2009 by craig1410]
posted on 1/8/09 at 10:08 AM |
The real problem here is the way the DVLA work internally. There is a centralised section in Swansea who make rules, but they leave it to the local
offices to do the work. The individuals in the local offices seem to have huge latitude to interpret rules/make things up as they go along. VOSA is
a separate govenment department so there is little joined up thinking, and it seems sometimes active bloody mindedness, between them.
The upshot of this is that there are no hard and fast rules for the ways to achieve things with the DVLA (VIN number allocation being a big black hole
of random decision making) and inconsistency (e.g. you can legally drive a completely un-roadworthy car without number plates to an SVA/IVA station,
but not the proven roadworthy car to the DVLA for inspection, you need a trailer for that - or at other offices they will visit the car).
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.
posted on 1/8/09 at 10:51 AM |
There is a process to follow that will avoid most problems.
1) Contact Swansea DVLA and tell them what you are doing. They will send you all the relevant leaflets and forms. They will also get your local office
to contact you.
2) When your local office contacts you, tell them what you are doing and they will tell you their requirements in relation to registration, chassis
numbers, inspections etc. They will also tell you when they want each stage to be done relative to the IVA. You will also be given contact details for
your local office, so you can keep in touch if needed.
3) Proceed only in accordance with the directions of your local office, and you shouldn't have too many problems. NO ONE ELSE WILL KNOW THE
4) If you do have problems, appeal to Swansea.
Proportion is Everything
posted on 1/8/09 at 05:05 PM |
I did try contacting Swansea once asking about VIN numbers and got a cut n paste stock email reply that was no use nor ornament, but I'll try
posted on 1/8/09 at 05:54 PM |
Looking around the DVLA site was no use nor ornament, but their search came up with document INF26
The notes I've found are based on the kit car being a "kit conversion" (as kit car implies all new parts now).
This seems to say, you ask your local DVLA to issue you with an authorisation letter which then the regisitration takes place once confirmation is
Not clear if this means you get a VIN number with the letter work or you have to fill in some bits of paper and then some time later they send you a
VIN Number.
Why the heck can't all this rubbish be done on line? Its just silly games.
I did ask MK for their advice but they told me that since my kit was bought pre IVA I was best just to make something up. I guess they don't
provide VIN plates or anything then.