posted on 12/11/09 at 04:29 PM |
Side Repeater Question
I was reading somwhere (can't remember which forum - old age and all that ) that someone failed the IVA on several points, one of which was
side repeater visibilty, and he was told by the inspector they should be on the cycle wings.
Can anyone throw any light on this one please? (excuse the pun )
It looks like the Midget is winning at the moment......
posted on 12/11/09 at 04:34 PM |
Look here:
If I understand correct, the side repeaters should be visible from the rear. They can be mounted on the scuttle but they should be positioned higher
than the rear wings.
[Edited on 12/11/09 by Breaker]
posted on 12/11/09 at 05:18 PM |
A whole lot higher! They have both vertical and horizontal angles of visibility. If mounted on the scuttle above 750mm off the ground they have to be
visible through a vertical angle of +15 deg above to -15 degrees below at 5deg out from the vehicle side through 80 degrees. So 5 deg out and 15 below
puts the testing eye on the road surface behind the rear wing and is a fail. Unless you scuttle-mount them out on stalks like the front indicators or
on the side mirrors then you will only get a guaranteed pass with them on the back of the front cycle wings.
At least that's the usual current IVA centre interpretation and yes it has changed from the special exemption that existed for SVA and no it
doesn't make much sense.
posted on 12/11/09 at 09:28 PM |
The post about that could possibly been one I started asking of the repeaters would make the car wider. I have now placed lights on the rear arches
on the outer edge. I am waiting for a retest date hopefully next week.
Original page here
[Edited on 12-11-09 by AdrianH]
Why do I have to make the tools to finish the job? More time then money.
posted on 12/11/09 at 10:39 PM |
Note; 'a side repeater must be positioned within 2600mm of the front of the vehicle.'
posted on 13/11/09 at 09:34 AM |
Adrian, seen youre website details on how youve sorted the side indicator issue, might end up doing the same thing.. will just need a wire from the
rear indicators to go under the top of the rear arch. One thing that was mentioned during the test is that the side repeaters should not be seen from
the front. if thats correct then you should cover the front up... maybe a lick of hammerite on the lens??
posted on 13/11/09 at 09:49 AM |
This is getting stupid
I'm tempted to make a fake front roll cage and mount them off that!
(i've welded in mountings for when i do make a front cage section post IVA)
posted on 25/11/09 at 04:45 PM |
could you not mount something on the end of the wing mirror a bit like the wrap around indicators on modern production cars.
Might be totally impractical just the first thigng that popped into my head
posted on 25/11/09 at 10:27 PM |
issue is rear visibility - wing mirror mount may not give that.
My idea is to mount a side repeater light on the back of the front cycle wings.