posted on 30/10/10 at 06:45 PM |
Brake and fuel line p-clip distances
Today I was marking the places to drill for the brake and fuel line p-clips. Two questions arose:
1) Brake pipes - Are the 100mm for IVA approximate or it has to be exact or less? Some places I left 120mm/130mm distance between markings, namely on
the central tunnel. Will it be a problem?
2) Fuel pipe - Is it also 100mm between p-clips or, as it is a stronger pipe, the distance can be longer? And, if so, how longer?
Thank you for your answers!
posted on 30/10/10 at 07:05 PM |
Thats worrieing, where did you read that????????
posted on 30/10/10 at 07:06 PM |
There is no fixed distance for securing brake lines, manual states mus be fixed "adequately" or words to that effect.
“A truly great library contains something in it to offend everyone.”
posted on 30/10/10 at 07:11 PM |
I was told 300mm for brake lines and fuel lines could be cable tied to them as long as they are secure.......please comment if Im wrong.........
posted on 30/10/10 at 07:16 PM |
Idont think there is any set dostance for brake and fuel lines as long as they are safe and secure how ever to play on the safe side i have kept to
300mm between everything i.e fuel, brake and wire fixings!!!
Mark Allanson
posted on 30/10/10 at 07:33 PM |
Terry (God bless him) at my SVA said if the brake/fuel line quivered if he flicked it, he would fail it, copper fatigues quite easily and any movement
will cause this.
If you can keep you head, whilst all others around you are losing theirs, you are not fully aware of the situation
posted on 30/10/10 at 09:55 PM |
SVA manual didn't specify a distance for clipping brake lines but said 300mm max for wiring. Most people applied this to brake lines as well.
Don't know if IVA manual has changed that but haven't heard about it.
Where have you seen 100mm?
"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire
posted on 31/10/10 at 12:12 AM |
Ups, maybe I'm mixing stuff in my head. Sorry for causing panic...
Probably I'm confusing the recommended 100mm between rivets on the ally panels with the distance for brake pipes.
But looking at the old threads I had subscribed, I see many stating 300mm between p-clips and one
(http://www.locostbuilders.co.uk/viewthread.php?tid=88629 --> Last post) stating 150mm/6''
I'm just worried that I may go rivet stuff at incorrect distances.
Sorry for causing so much worry. Probably should have worded my question in a different way...