Stuart Walker
posted on 15/8/04 at 01:33 PM |
SVA Manual
Anyone got an up to date SVA Manual they dont need anymore? I'm willing to pay.. but not £37 for a new one
posted on 15/8/04 at 02:06 PM |
I have the draft SVA manual from the recent update. It's a PDF so I can mail it to you if you like. It's free. Would be a few hour though
as I'm not at home at the minute and that file is.
A bit of slapstick never hurt anyone.
Stuart Walker
posted on 15/8/04 at 02:33 PM |
Fantastic! Is it the whole manual or just the update? Either way, would appreciate it if you could send it.
Thanks a lot, you have u2u!
David Jenkins
posted on 15/8/04 at 02:44 PM |
It'll be the draft update - of limited use to you.
Be honest with yourself - you are going to spend several thousand pounds building your car, with the aim of getting through the SVA and onto the road.
Is £37 too much to pay to get it right?
I often referred to mine when I was trying to sort out details during the build.
Stuart Walker
posted on 15/8/04 at 03:05 PM |
Hmm of course youre right, just trying to do it as Locost as possible! Found it £30 on Amazon
Definately need to get one...
posted on 15/8/04 at 04:37 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Chris_R
I have the draft SVA manual from the recent update. It's a PDF so I can mail it to you if you like. It's free. Would be a few hour though
as I'm not at home at the minute and that file is.
I'm interested in seeing it, I'm not in England and my built is not started yet so reading your PDF file is a first step, I will buy the
official one when necessary.
Could you please email it to
posted on 15/8/04 at 05:22 PM |
Draft SVA Manual
Here it is guys. If you don't already have it you can download Adobe Acrobat
[Edited on 15/8/04 by Chris_R]
A bit of slapstick never hurt anyone.
posted on 16/8/04 at 09:15 AM |
and use it to chop up rons book and do it properly instead!
posted on 16/8/04 at 05:45 PM |
Seeing as there is so much discrepancy between testing stations ,whats the point in buying the SVA manual if you've got a basic idea about the
There have been a few versions placed on the internet anyway,allegedly!
One persons interpretation is completely different to anothers and I think you can pick up enough info on this forum and by talking to people that
have been to your chosen station...
The rules are basically common sense!some seem OTT admitedly..
OK I'm a tight git! but I think there is enough info about to get away without buying it ....
Once I've finished a project why do I start another?
posted on 16/8/04 at 07:47 PM |
variation between sva sites is one thing, but not knowing the basic info in the first case is nuts!
quote: Originally posted by DEAN C.
Seeing as there is so much discrepancy between testing stations ,whats the point in buying the SVA manual if you've got a basic idea about the
There have been a few versions placed on the internet anyway,allegedly!
One persons interpretation is completely different to anothers and I think you can pick up enough info on this forum and by talking to people that
have been to your chosen station...
The rules are basically common sense!some seem OTT admitedly..
OK I'm a tight git! but I think there is enough info about to get away without buying it ....
posted on 17/8/04 at 12:31 AM |
Who you calling nuts?
I dont fanny about with computers allday, I work in the motor trade ,so I know a little knowledge is dangerous!
What I was trying to say was,the manual is available witout paying through the nose for it!
Get your car done anyway ,it's taking longer than mine to finish
Mockingly DEAN..............
Once I've finished a project why do I start another?
posted on 17/8/04 at 08:54 AM |
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing eh !
That's me safe then . I built my first car without an SVA manual, just using measurements for the light positions etc. found in kit car
magazines. If you left the manual on the seat for the tester to see I think he'd assume you to be a trouble causer looking for an argument. I
don't think it would influence his view of you as a car builder, chancers don't spend a year building a car and spend money registering
it, they would try to sell it on ebay with a false registration as say a Mini or something.
[Edited on 17/8/04 by Peteff]
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.
posted on 17/8/04 at 10:19 AM |
want to swap? Didnt mean to seem so harsh either.
I laid down 8 layers of GRP for my running boards yesterday (now there's a clue why its taking so long) so its coming on, honest.
(for the grp gurus, not all at the same time - I know it causes overheating)
My manual isnt current, its from when I started, which was the 2000 edition. It needs an update.
The nuts bit is that there are so any little items that if you didnt know them, you could easily build a fatally flawed car.
for example, the car on the front of the 'book' edition 1 would never have passed.
ps - I understands Syds point, and I had that in mind, but I also appreciate Pete's too. Just as well my sva is miles (2nd quarter neaxt year
perhaps) off so I dont have to make a decision.
PPS - Esko on TOL says he took 20 YEARS to finsih his car, so mine being 80% or so complete after 4 is fairly racing along!
quote: Originally posted by DEAN C.
Who you calling nuts?
I dont fanny about with computers allday, I work in the motor trade ,so I know a little knowledge is dangerous!
What I was trying to say was,the manual is available witout paying through the nose for it!
Get your car done anyway ,it's taking longer than mine to finish
Mockingly DEAN..............
[Edited on 17/8/04 by stephen_gusterson]
Stuart Walker
posted on 18/8/04 at 03:13 PM |
I agree with everyone and I'm not trying to start an argument... but why not try try to get every part for the cheapest price possible?
What's the point in paying more than is necessary?
posted on 19/8/04 at 09:04 AM |
thats no nuke.
would be easy to spend at least 37 quid putting something right that didnt comply to sva....
im sure there are things we would prefer to spend 37 quid on other than a govt guide....
posted on 19/8/04 at 09:11 AM |
Sorry for asking a question on mirrors when the manual said one thing and I was still confused.
My mistake, I didn't realise that this forum is not designed for asking this sort of help.
posted on 19/8/04 at 10:00 AM |
That's alright Hornet.
But don't let it happen again . There are different ways of interpreting rules as we have found from SVA inspectors themselves. What chance
have us mere mortals if the gods can't agree.
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.
posted on 19/8/04 at 04:58 PM |
the reason i havent bought an SVA manual, is that i expect to fail the test anyway. There are a million little things he might pick fault with, so as
i would probably fail first time even if i tried, i may as well let the tester tell me exactly what he wants to see and save the £37 and the time
spent reading it!
from the online guides i have a fair idea of what i need to do, so its not like im gonna turn up in a lethal death trap - it will have all the nut
covers, the radius' and the dash bottom sorted, emarks where necessary, etc, but if theres anything i miss, he can tell me!
at the same time, if you can be arsed buying the manual, and reading it, why not!
posted on 19/8/04 at 05:48 PM |
Question - For a site dedicated to the construction of vehicles requiring SVA testing, why isn't there a copy of the manual available here ?
David Jenkins
posted on 19/8/04 at 06:15 PM |
Perhaps because it's a copyrighted document from a government department that we don't really want to pee off! At least, not until after
the SVA. Also, any site that blatently posts a copy is likely to get threatened, or sued.
This thread has got a bit out of hand - I recommended getting a real SVA Manual 'cos it answers a lot of questions that have to be addressed
before the big test. It's also good for reference just before the test, when you can play at being the inspector to find the problems before
the real bloke does. No more, no less.
If you don't want to get a manual, for whatever reason, then don't. It's entirely your choice.
Stuart Walker
posted on 19/8/04 at 06:36 PM |
Yep, agreed.
posted on 19/8/04 at 10:51 PM |
quote: Originally posted by silex
Question - For a site dedicated to the construction of vehicles requiring SVA testing, why isn't there a copy of the manual available here ?
its copyright.
chris gibbs put it on line once and had hm govt threaten to do him.
posted on 19/8/04 at 11:58 PM |
Another form of taxation? More money for the governments I coffers!
I dont think this thread is getting out of hand either,just good healthy discussions,this is a good way of seeing how others have encountered problems
and learnt by their mistakes as we all do.
And I know Stephen knows I dont mean offence,just a bit of friendly banter,and gentle ribbing!
Once I've finished a project why do I start another?
posted on 20/8/04 at 07:07 AM |
I'm confused with regards your statement in your last thread?
posted on 20/8/04 at 07:10 PM |
OK, I can understand the copyright issue, etc. not wanting the site closed and so on, but thats if you basically scan the document or dirctly copy in
a similar manner. Why has someone not simply re-typed the pages to put them online.
This cannot be copyright, it's mearly an interpretation of the EEC regulations, as is the SVA Manual.
What's wrong with that ?