posted on 6/3/12 at 09:12 AM |
Brake systems
Having modified my MK hand brake system and then decided to read the regs , i now have concerns that it doesnt comply. The regs mention that the
system should be connected to the structure of the car. As my cables go under the rear diff, i have attached the main braket to the diff body. Its a
solid job and the diff is bolted ridgid to the chassis. But would this be looked at as being fixed to the structure?
Also the hydraulic resivours, do they have to have a warning light on the dash when the fluids get low?
posted on 6/3/12 at 09:17 AM |
Yes to both questions (presumig you can't see reservoirs from drivers seat).
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posted on 6/3/12 at 09:28 AM |
Cheers for that Davie, i just wasnt sure after reading the regs. My cables are also close to the chassis but not touching, hopefully they wont maon
about it.
The brake system will be under the bonnet so i will need a warning light on the dash.
posted on 6/3/12 at 09:34 AM |
IIRC if you can see the fluid level through the side of the reservoir you dont need a level warning light, it doesnt have to be viewable from the
drivers seat, just needs to be viewable without removing the reservoir cap. However you still need a 'pressure' warning light in case
pressure drops, which can either be connected a low pressure sensitive switch, OR a low fluid level switch. With either of the above you also need a
test swtich on the dash (or built in to the handbrake) to ensure the bulb is functioning.
[Edited on 6/3/12 by loggyboy]
posted on 6/3/12 at 10:53 AM |
Differential pressure circuit switches aren't a good idea, they can activate when you bleed the brakes and can be a pain in the a**e to
The simplest solution by far is fluid level switches with a test button or connected to the handbrake warning light switch.
Your hand brake lever and the front outer end of the cable should be solidly connected to the main structure the rest of the cable just should
be given suitable support if required. Don't over restrict the cable as it has to move with wheel movement.
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