posted on 24/5/05 at 12:42 PM |
SVA, Europe, Future...
Hi All,
Today is was wondering what its gonna take me to Homologate my Luego Car in Spain.
Well what i already knew is confirmed its a pain in the A**e.
But even if i first go to England en SVA it over there then when returning to Spain its the same dramatical crap. (need still to confirm a bit with
Because of the European Union... i don't like the smell of an couple of things....
England is in the Union Right?(yes)
but they have other rulez than spain...
'' Netherlands.,,, etc.
What would be the future of the SVA??
looking at European regulations wich are gonna be equal i'm a bit scared....
then we have the foolish kitcar builder on the television he is showing half of england how NOT to build an car......
these 2 facts make me scared for the future......
would the television be an bad propoganda thing???
Anyway here in Spain i need to go to 'the goverment industie department' there they are gonna ask me calculations etc.
then after paying 700 + pounds maybe i get my aproval....
p.s i just wanted the thoughts of the people in england about this?
The above comments are always meant to be from the above persons perspective.
David Jenkins
posted on 24/5/05 at 01:42 PM |
The one good thing about the kit car builder is that he's not making a car for the road. It's only for the track - which is even harder on
cars! But at least he won't upset the transport bureaucrats.
posted on 24/5/05 at 02:58 PM |
Unfortunately you can't take the car to the UK for SVA and then take it back to Spain for registration. Reason is there is no agreement for a
Europe-wide SVA (unlike type approval). You will need to approve your car in Spain, a friend of mine is going through this these days at the IDIADA in
the south of Spain, and it looks like he's about to succeed. The alternative is INTA in Madrid, which I don't recommend because they are
much more restrictive.
My case is rather different, as a UK resident I have the right to take my car with me when relocating to Spain without re-approving it. So in order to
pass UK SVA only, you would need to live in the UK for a while, I think it's 6 months or 1 year. You need to prove this with a document from the
Spanish Consulate, so it's important that they know you live in the UK as soon as you do. They ask you for some documents for you to prove you
live there, as well as your address of course.
My friend who is passing SVA has had some issues but all well known: he needs headrests on his seats and fitting a cat (he exceeded emissions). He has
a CEC so reverse is not an issue. He may have unexpected trouble with his windscreen (apparently he has been told that he needs a full windscreen plus
wipers which he doesn't have). He has not been bothered with the "CE" mark (CE approval) on his belts which he doesn't
If you have any specific issues regarding this I can ask him or give you his details, I'm sure he will be happy to help although he
doesn't speak English AFAIK.
[Edited on 24/5/05 by Alez]
posted on 25/5/05 at 08:39 PM |
Hey Alez
I went yesterday to an ITV station (spanish anual car test centre)
they also gave me the telnumber of the INTA in Madrid and the telnumber of the IDIADA in xx??
i red on their website it was in barcelona???
but as you say in the south it would be over there..
anyway is it a very very good think that i'm not the first one...
wich car does he have?
Did he built it him self?
Is he on the forum?
if no WY NOT!
Regards, y mucho suerte para tu amigo!
The above comments are always meant to be from the above persons perspective.
posted on 26/5/05 at 08:19 AM |
> i red on their website it was in barcelona???
I may be confused with names, or maybe he's doing it in Barcelona, or maybe there are 2 different facilities, one in Barcelona one in the
> wich car does he have?
It's a strange Lotus Seven. This guy is from Argentina where these cars were manufactured under license from Lotus, mainly for racing, his one
has an aly chassis I think and is car engine powered. His car never got registered or approved in Argentina. Now after he has been living in Spain
for some years, he has decided to bring it here for road use (he had it stored there).
> Did he built it him self?
I'm not sure but either he has been involved in many aspects of the build or he has been modifying stuff after he bought it, also his father was
involved, maybe one of them built it, can't remember the story.
> Is he on the forum?
> if no WY NOT!
He doesn't speak English I think. I've told him about this forum in several occasions. These things are a real shame sometimes, this
guy is a real enthusiast of this stuff and I feel he is missing a lot by not being able to participate here in this forum
[Edited on 26/5/05 by Alez]
posted on 26/5/05 at 02:12 PM |
I thought in Spain they were too busy fighting bulls, chucking donkeys out of church windows and flinging lorry loads of tomatoes at each other to
give a sh!t about something like registering cars!
You can't just import a fully British registered vehicle to Spain then?
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses, behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights."
- Muhammad Ali
posted on 1/6/05 at 12:48 PM |
Well James
Here they give also for each other..
and the people are very interested in their country...
well better they trow tomatoes to each other as pub fights?? 
Cheers any way..
The above comments are always meant to be from the above persons perspective.
posted on 4/6/05 at 12:54 PM |
I am new to the forum. I am willing to build a fireblade engine locost (MK Indy possibly or Stuart Taylor). I live in Hungary and after the initial
inquiries it seems that without type approval it would be "impossible" to put the car on the road. On the other hand, they suggested that
if the car is registered and put on the road in another country, I can then import it and they will then accept it. Seems that it's different
than in Spain then - although still EU.
Does anyone have experience with registering cars in different countries? I wonder where it would be the easiest so that I can be sure that I have it
registered and then bring it back to Hungary. Anyone from Austria? Germany?