posted on 13/8/07 at 06:05 PM |
Cancelling SVA
Does anyone know how much you lose if you don't turn up for SVA? I guess all of the fee, which you then have to pay for the next go??
Tomorrows weather in South Wales looks really really dreadful and to be honest dangerous for driving the car for the first time, let alone getting
soaked and the inside ruined (a carpeted cruise mobile, not a stripped out racer!)
Arse..... Arse.... Arse...
Spoing! - the sound of an irony meter breaking...
posted on 13/8/07 at 06:13 PM |
No chance of a trailer?
“Let your plans be dark and as impenetratable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
My new blog:
posted on 13/8/07 at 06:14 PM |
its definately not all of the fee as i failed to attend my first test cant remember the exact ammount though
i seem tothink it was an additional £60 or £100 cant remember exactly
.: Motorsport / motor racing circuit / track wall art Apex Traxs :.
David Jenkins
posted on 13/8/07 at 06:14 PM |
You lose all the fee at the time, but eventually get a refund of fee - £50. This takes a few weeks to arrive.
At least, this is what happened in my case...
posted on 13/8/07 at 06:15 PM |
Don't think so (trailer that is), got nothing to tow it with even if could find one... looks like a no show, real bugger as the car is looking
great, nothing obvious to fail on....
[Edited on 13/8/07 by chrsgrain]
Spoing! - the sound of an irony meter breaking...
posted on 13/8/07 at 07:02 PM |
If it were me i would still go. Wear a crash helmet and take it easy. 9 times out of 10 they get the forcast wrong anyway.
When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.
posted on 13/8/07 at 08:05 PM |
.... and it WILL dry out ...... eventually
When thinking outside the box doesn't work any more, it's time to build a new box
posted on 13/8/07 at 08:36 PM |
Try a few of these first thing (8am onwards, maybe earlier - if not tonght), if it aint tooooo far it might work out cheaper than loosing your fee.
Tell them what you are trying to do and explain if you get a good enough price you'd take there deal - you might be supprised.
Speculate to accumulate and all that!
Plus if you pass you wont care about the rain on the way home...and if you fail, well you won't care either! 
posted on 13/8/07 at 08:37 PM |
Make sure you ring them if you're not going.
I'm sure they'll understand because of the weather.
Last thing you want to do is wee off the SVA centre, especially if you have to book a re-test.
No trees were killed in the sending of this message.
However a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
posted on 13/8/07 at 09:07 PM |
I wouldn't get your hopes up about them being understanding.
I wanted to cancel my first test 2 days before because my sister in law died of cancer and they weren't very receptive. I think the rule is 72
hours and I rang on the Tuesday before the Thursday. She died on the Monday.
I was told they would see if I could get a full refund but couldn't promise anything.
SWIMBO agreed I should go ahead but due to all the family problems and christmas I couldn't meet the 6 months deadline and had to pay for a full
test again.
I also asked for an extension to the 6 month retest rule as a result but was told no.
These people live by rules.
I used to be apathetic but now I just don't care.
posted on 13/8/07 at 09:58 PM |
I missed my first one as, frankly, the car was about 3 weeks from being finished!
I phoned them that morning (couldn't get through till 10mins before the test) and said I couldn't make it becuase it's overheated in
traffic enroute.
I eventually got £100 refund and rebooked from 3 weeks later.
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses, behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights."
- Muhammad Ali
posted on 14/8/07 at 06:16 AM |
the weather worried me too for SVA and inspection but I think I was lucky considereing the time of year - it rained a bit but nothing major.
If it were me, and it was coz that is wot I did, I dress up in warm clothing and waterproofs, put on a lid and off you go.
Allo plenty of time, more than you need to - on my first SVA I allowed lots of time then ahd igniotn problem so had to limp back home to undo the
maplins igniton kit (which I then refitted and it worked fine ever since so a mystery as to why it was misfiring) and even so just made it with about
1 minutes to spare - not that it mattered as they were running late. It was a bit of a panic with a road closure on the way to SVA that I did not
So to cut and long sotry short, allow much more time than you need to so you don't get panicky.
It will dry out and as long as you are moving > 30 mph , the rain will be mostly swept over the interior anyway.
posted on 14/8/07 at 12:06 PM |
Ah well....
weather wasn't THAT bad, and we would have tried, but the battery decided to stop charging! Traced the fault to a dodgy alternator, but not in
time to get another one and to the test centre. Ah well... all fixed now and waiting for another date.
Spoing! - the sound of an irony meter breaking...