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Not authorised to view this page message at bottom of screen
Pete Jordan - 2/12/09 at 02:03 PM


I've found that when I am viewing posts in the Forum, there is a rectangular box at the bottom of the page, just about the Locostbuilders and Netrino logos, that I presume should contain an advertisement but on my computer contains the MS Windows "You are not authorised to view this page" message.

When I try to use my browser back button to return from a post to a Forum page, I have to click it three times before it will go back to the right page. I've noticed that the box with the "not authorised" message on it changes to be completely black on the first click. Is this something to do with my PC settings or is there a problem with the site?



BenB - 2/12/09 at 02:13 PM

I seem to recall a similar thing happened on my computer when I changed the hosts file to block googleads.

Fozzie - 2/12/09 at 02:14 PM

No, nothing wrong with your computer with regard to the black rectangular box.........another thing on the list for ChrisW to fix or remove......

It is nothing to do with the problem you have of having to 'click 3 times to get back to the right page' ....

I use FireFox and do not have the click 3 times problem, so I know it isn't the site...


londonsean69 - 2/12/09 at 03:13 PM

Originally posted by FozzieIt is nothing to do with the problem you have of having to 'click 3 times to get back to the right page' ....

I use FireFox and do not have the click 3 times problem, so I know it isn't the site...


I actually have this problem at work, using IE7. If I click the "Back" button in IE, it doesn't go back, so I just go back to the top of the page and click.

No problems with this at home on Firefox.

Yet another reason for people to not use Internet Exploder

gingerprince - 2/12/09 at 04:45 PM

Isn't it a preview pane for the shop, that's only accessible if you've got > x,000 posts to your name?

Fozzie - 2/12/09 at 04:55 PM

Originally posted by gingerprince
Isn't it a preview pane for the shop, that's only accessible if you've got > x,000 posts to your name?

Sort of, because you also need the special invite email, with the unique reference to get in.

Just because someone has a squillion or so posts, if they are rubbish posts with just a smiley or whatever, just to bump up the post-count, they wont get one....


Simon - 2/12/09 at 10:55 PM



Andi - 3/12/09 at 12:36 AM

I have the 3 clicks to back up page and the little not permitted to view boxes, but only at work where the I.T fascists do their stuff on internet explorer. We cant even right click on most things, no ebay, facebook, any streaming videos sites and all hotmail, googlemail and yahoo sites are a no no.
Bless their little geeky socks.

mad4x4 - 3/12/09 at 07:06 AM

The Box ^^ is a PAYPAL Donate box. Possible you ISP or IT Dept is bolocking the URL..... try going to here ->This is the Link Behind the Button

Pete Jordan - 3/12/09 at 08:43 AM

Thanks for all the posts. I do have the problem at work, using IE, so I guess it must be because of that.



Fozzie - 3/12/09 at 09:22 AM

Originally posted by mad4x4
The Box ^^ is a PAYPAL Donate box. Possible you ISP or IT Dept is bolocking the URL..... try going to here ->This is the Link Behind the Button

No Mad4x4 ....the OP is talking about the big rectangular box at the bottom of the forum is a googleads/doubleclick isn't on the front page, just subsequent forum pages....

He isn't talking about the small 'donate' button in the middle of the header.....
