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testing avatar
easisatman - 25/1/12 at 06:00 PM

just trying phootbucket to resize the pics

splitrivet - 25/1/12 at 06:05 PM

What avatar.

chrisxr2 - 25/1/12 at 06:06 PM

Its a wee bit small.

easisatman - 25/1/12 at 06:13 PM

is that to big?

gottabedone - 25/1/12 at 06:18 PM

Ha........with Splitrivet's avatar on the screen it's hard to concentrate on your avatar


easisatman - 25/1/12 at 06:23 PM

yeh its eye catching

AdrianH - 25/1/12 at 06:31 PM

Just in case you do not know, there is supposed to be a 150 x 150 pixel size for avatars.

Chris did some code at one time that basically warned you then deleted the file if over size.



I think Bobs avatar needs more bounce.

[Edited on 25-1-12 by AdrianH]