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chassis parts on e-bay shops
40inches - 13/6/07 at 09:57 AM

Anyone know who this is? seems to have some good gear at reasonable prices.

3GEComponents - 13/6/07 at 10:10 AM

I think he used to work for Luego.

worX - 13/6/07 at 11:54 AM

I'd noticed those aswell - I also wondered who was doing it!


r3nuf - 13/6/07 at 11:58 AM

I think it is Matt from the original Luego.

A top bloke.

dan__wright - 13/6/07 at 02:56 PM

ordered a set of rear desc conversion brackets

Paul (Notts) - 13/6/07 at 03:08 PM

Item location gives it away..

was always good quality workmanship.

40inches - 13/6/07 at 08:44 PM

The pedal box seems a good price, especially if it is the same as "old" Luego