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Dual Circuit Brakes
John.Taylor - 27/7/06 at 08:53 PM

I've been searching through the Forums, picture archives and Google all night and don't seem to be able to find a simple, non-hydraulic, non-ABS, Dual Circuit braking schematic.

I know I've seen one in someones picture archve but I've forgot whose.

Anyone know of the whereabouts of a tried and tested schematic?

Hellfire - 27/7/06 at 09:09 PM

NON-hydraulic??? What do you intend using, air?
If you mean Hydraulic there are a few pictures (read Photo's) on our website.


miserableoldgit - 27/7/06 at 09:21 PM

Nearest I can think of is the Model Y Ford with pre-stretched rods

John.Taylor - 28/7/06 at 09:28 AM

Sorry, I meant non-servo

Hellfire - 28/7/06 at 11:27 PM

Picasso would be jealous Snoopy...

