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Alternative Indy Power
JEPY - 7/8/08 at 07:53 PM

We've decided to try and sell our house (good timing, I know!) so we've had the inevitible procession of estate agents round. All turn up in large Merc/BMW/Range Rovers.

Get to the garage, turn on the lights and the see the kit car. All of them show an interest then spot something below the chassis and say "oh, see you've got the engine, what is it?".

"Er, my air compressor!"

They suddenly don't seem quite as interested any more.

I know the Indy's light, but a 3HP air compressor isn't going to make it very quick, and I'd fairly limited range cos I've only got a 10m extension lead!!! Rescued attachment Is that the engine.JPG
Rescued attachment Is that the engine.JPG

r1_pete - 7/8/08 at 07:55 PM

should have told the the big red thing is the hydrogen fuel cell.....

adam1985 - 7/8/08 at 08:39 PM

mind you could be mistaken for a cec engine quite big and chunky but very underpowered haha

im now running for cover very quickly

[Edited on 7/8/08 by adam1985]

roadrunner - 7/8/08 at 09:42 PM


should give the pinto's a run for there money

iscmatt - 7/8/08 at 10:59 PM

Originally posted by chris mason
should give the pinto's a run for there money


Originally posted by adam1985
mind you could be mistaken for a cec engine quite big and chunky but very underpowered haha

im now running for cover very quickly


[Edited on 7/8/08 by iscmatt]

loggyboy - 8/8/08 at 08:12 AM

Combine it with the Dyson for a proper suck and blow job.

adithorp - 8/8/08 at 09:22 AM

The Dyson is to go in the MNR Vortx he's doing next.


JEPY - 8/8/08 at 08:15 PM

What you can't see is the second dyson a bit further to the left of that

Sounds like a twin dyson'd MNR would be a good project, might even give the 3hp compressor driven Indy a run for it's money