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Fried Blade Clutch
dean100yz - 4/5/10 at 11:53 PM

Anyone know of a strong basket for the 918 blade lump?

Managed to cook mine tonight doin a few quick starts off the lights against a few biker mates. Its all OEM so Im pleased its lasted so long. Orig. basket is scored to sh*t

Also few people Ive read in the past have said uprated springs or stiffer. Is this part of a kit or from another brand?

dean100yz - 5/5/10 at 10:17 AM

Im seriously strugglin here. Spending the morning speaking to shops and googlin Ive found Barnett make everything but the basket. I only know moto x brands and cant find hinson or talon either

Anyone else know of a uprated brand?

ReMan - 5/5/10 at 10:34 AM

I'm not aware of anyone changing the basket, stronger springs thats all.
If its knacked replace it, if its only mildly worn dress it up with a file

Do you jmean its fried as in slipping now?
Thats more as likely to be the plates and springs as the basket

dean100yz - 5/5/10 at 11:25 AM

Yeh sorry should've worded slipping. In MX you'd normally say fried or cooked prob. wrong wording on here

Ive just ordered a new OEM basket off fleabay £100 and new kevlar barnett plates & discs with their HD springs for another £140

I'll take the basket out and file it back smooth as I can but its been done once so its best kept as a spare that will no doubt never see out of the box i'll put it in again