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Which BEC car to buy?????
onearmedbandit - 22/7/10 at 09:55 PM

Hi Guys and Gals

Newbie here looking for some advice, I have been told this is the place

I am seriously tempted to buy a BEC, I am toying with 2 options, MK Indy R hayabusa or an MNR Vortx with a big bike engine.

Whats your thoughts on either of the above? The car will solely for track day shenanigans. I will be fitting a "kliktronic" like system (clue is in my username), any experiences with said systems.

I currently own an e46 M3 CSL which is an awesome car, but the kitcar type of car is calling me strong. I will be keeping both cars.

Any help and advice greatly appreciated.

PS I need it to be able to beat my CSL's time of high 1.56 @ oulton park, will it do it?

l0rd - 22/7/10 at 10:00 PM

Welcome to the Mad house

Richard Quinn - 22/7/10 at 10:04 PM

Even a sorted 'blade engined kit should better 1:56 around Oulton (International) in the right hands. I think the RGB Class C lap record is about 1:53 (Class A is <1:50)

FFTS - 22/7/10 at 10:23 PM

Start with a good base car and then make it your own set up


big_l - 22/7/10 at 10:27 PM

Ring mnr mate there stuff is so well made I've been there today and the stuff they have and are capable of doing us un believe able

There cars are amazing on track !!

[Edited on 22/7/10 by big_l]

Steve Hignett - 22/7/10 at 10:28 PM

Welcome to the forum...

Put your location in your profile and there might be someone local to you to take you for a spin in one or both of those cars...

There is a TD at oulton on Aug 4th that a couple people from here are attending, if you are in the area.

Also, there are a couple of other cars that I would have on your list to compare if you aren't dead set on those two!

onearmedbandit - 22/7/10 at 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Steve Hignett
Welcome to the forum...

Put your location in your profile and there might be someone local to you to take you for a spin in one or both of those cars...

There is a TD at oulton on Aug 4th that a couple people from here are attending, if you are in the area.

Also, there are a couple of other cars that I would have on your list to compare if you aren't dead set on those two!

Im not dead set on these 2, I just want "affordable" fun.

My business is in Warrington and I reside in Liverpool

austin man - 22/7/10 at 10:56 PM

personally the MK I know the lads well and have seen how strong the chasis is following a major accident at oulton park last year check their pictures out. The car chasis takes pride of place in their workshop a testament to the structural strength. The car in question was possibly doing 120 mph as it drove over a caterham then went airborne

phelpsa - 22/7/10 at 11:38 PM

Look at the cars doing well in the RGB series.

My vote goes to Aries if you have to stay 7 style...

[Edited on 22-7-10 by phelpsa]

Gergely - 23/7/10 at 05:39 AM

I have an MNR, and love the car and the company. That said, the MK is a great car, too, so it has to be a personal choice.
If you are after ultimate laptimes, you might want to think about a more slippery shape than a seven, something like a Westfield XTR, or similar with a bike engine...
Are you going to build or buy? If you buy a completed one, make sure you get one with all the right mods for any kind of bike engine. If it's only for track, you will need sump baffle plates as a minimum for certain engines (R1), but potentially dry sump kits for others (Hayabusa). Ask here when you have your eyes on something. Good luck! Oh, and of course, welcome!

snapper - 23/7/10 at 05:56 AM

The BMW will cane a 7 on top speed another option is a bike engine full body kit just the enclosed body is worth 15mph on the straight over a 7

eznfrank - 23/7/10 at 06:10 AM

If you're after kliktronic advice you could send a u2u message to raptor700 on here, he has just finished a gixxer Indy with full hand controls including kliktronic (or similar) button shift. He's done a quad too so should know it well.

Rustybin - 23/7/10 at 07:53 AM

If you are only going to use it for trackdays and don't need it road legal you may want to consider a Radical. A Clubsport can be had for around £8k.

Otherwise how about a Sylva Riot for mid-engine agility etc.

mackei23b - 23/7/10 at 08:03 AM

Here is a great car........ETDWM

Shameless Plug at:

No Clickshifter, but I could install one



TimC - 23/7/10 at 08:34 AM

I could write a small book on my views here.... look for race proven machines, and remember that some series use road-legal tyres (RGB) while others can use slicks (NW Champs.) I think this sheds new light on the relative ability of machines and drivers.

I best not get started. Good luck whatever you go for.

Stott - 23/7/10 at 09:07 AM

But your preferance is in your signature Tim! lol

TimC - 23/7/10 at 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Stott
But your preferance is in your signature Tim! lol

Just because I've owned a particular model does not necessarily mean I'd recommend one. I've also owned an Indy but my blog doesn't cover the period of ownership.

[Edited on 23/7/10 by TimC]

Stott - 23/7/10 at 10:04 AM

I know I know, was only kidding hence the !

TimC - 23/7/10 at 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Stott
I know I know, was only kidding hence the !

Roger that - I'm obviously sensitive today. Apologies!

Steve Hignett - 23/7/10 at 10:21 AM


You been watchin The O.C. or summat???

afj - 23/7/10 at 10:26 AM

road runner racing sr2 looks a very sorted car its on my next project list, at the top!

TimC - 23/7/10 at 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Steve Hignett

You been watchin The O.C. or summat???

Steve, I think you need to open-up to your feelings...

I'm just sooooooooooo Emo'!

Dangle_kt - 23/7/10 at 05:20 PM

I'm in Liverpool, I can take you for a spin in an older blade kit so you can see what it will do. U2u me if you want.

easisatman - 24/7/10 at 09:11 AM

Have a look at Raw's cars -striker and fulcrum

onearmedbandit - 25/7/10 at 07:16 PM

Thanks for the replies guys.

I have opted for the MK Indy R Busa.