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Suitable Engine ?
zilspeed - 6/10/04 at 05:34 PM

Whaddya think ?


Smooth Torquer - 6/10/04 at 05:43 PM

WTF is it from?


Peteff - 6/10/04 at 05:50 PM

It looks like that thing where some bloke joined lots of Kawasaki 2 stroke engines together. I'd hate to be behind it when it's been ticking over for a bit and pulls away.

Cita - 6/10/04 at 06:52 PM

48 cilinders-12000 cc

Hugh Jarce - 8/10/04 at 05:18 AM

That's exactly what it is: 48 x S1-KH250 engines. Rescued attachment 48cyl_s1-kh250_power02.jpg
Rescued attachment 48cyl_s1-kh250_power02.jpg

Hugh Jarce - 8/10/04 at 05:22 AM

This Dolmette has 24 Dolmar chainsaw engines fitted. It unofficially turned a few drag racing records on their heads, but come show day, it bogged down on the line due to having virtually zero torque and predictably came second! Rescued attachment Dolmette_24-engine.jpg
Rescued attachment Dolmette_24-engine.jpg

liam.mccaffrey - 8/10/04 at 10:53 PM

i am not sure about the thermodynamics involved but isn't there some sort of advantage in coupled 2 stroke engines. i might be wrong but wasn't it specifically banned in f1 back in the 70's