I was going to build an XE or Zetec powered MK Indy as bike engines always seemed expensive, although clearly much faster.
I've seen this one on eBay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7988384952 and it appears to be a good price, even at
I've read loads about people going for a carb version due to emissions (I'm just making for a track car so this isn't an issue) but the
bit which concerns me is all the little extra electrical bits which you need to make sure come with the engine to get it going, also, do I presume
that the gearbox is still on that engine?
What "bits" should I check are with the engine?
I think that engine will need the Honda HISS system.. Those are expensive. If it is not included, you might be talking another 500.. However, im definitely no expert, so don't take my word for it :]
Originally posted by unixguy
I think that engine will need the Honda HISS system.. Those are expensive. If it is not included, you might be talking another 500.. However, im definitely no expert, so don't take my word for it :]