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Luego moving to Scotland
Humbug - 11/5/07 at 06:33 AM

...according to TotalKitCar:

"SNIPPETS 2……Luego Sportscars have been purchased by Ben Lord and will now be based in Aberdeenshire. They plan a re-launch later this summer. Contact them via"


saigonij - 11/5/07 at 07:13 AM

is thats the engineering side of things, or all of it. I know they were planning on running it from Scotland, but still engineering it from Hull.?

Dave J - 11/5/07 at 07:37 AM

Spoke to Ben at Stonleigh,Engineering is to be based in Hull.


caber - 11/5/07 at 08:15 AM

Lost opportunity everyone knows Scots make the best engineers and inventors!

PS when I saw Aberdeenshire I thought CaLvinX had snapped up another bargain

[Edited on 5/11/2007 by caber]

TGR-ECOSSE - 11/5/07 at 08:30 AM

Originally posted by caber
Lost opportunity everyone knows Scots make the best engineers and inventors!

Definately! And this is a few things Scots have done for the world McLinky

graememk - 11/5/07 at 08:30 AM

i thought they moved to rutland ?

Simon - 11/5/07 at 09:27 PM

Shame that. Far too far from me to even think about bits. Would, one day, have liked to build a Viento.

Just have to build Deimos 2 at some point!



saigonij - 12/5/07 at 08:42 AM

im pretty sure that the enginnering side of things ( where you pick the kit up from ) is still in Hull.

Hull is more central than scotland and i think that moving to scotland would put lots of people off. ( distance, not the people )

Simon - 12/5/07 at 11:19 PM

Last time I went to them was when they where at the farm in the middle of nowhere. Fantastic place.



wilkingj - 13/5/07 at 07:38 AM

I spoke with Ben Lord at Stoneliegh.

He is running the Admin from Aberdeen where he lives (Well done for making the trip to Stoneleigh to see us all).

The Engineering is being done by his Brother in Hull. Both seem to have the right qualities. Ben appears to have been in involved in F1 racing mainly in the software area, and his Brother has some knowlege / experience in building car chassis's (professionally).

Hopefully this will bring Luego back into full swing.

I wish them both well.

[Edited on 13/5/2007 by wilkingj]

John n Steve - 19/5/07 at 07:29 PM

Look at 27th April info!!!

Dave Bailey - 19/5/07 at 07:52 PM

Well I'm with Geoff

I too heard the explanation from Ben at Stoneleigh. Only Admin in Scotland

Dave B

LesG - 19/5/07 at 08:00 PM

Amazing, when I decided to build a Viento V8 I travelled most of the length of the country to visit them in Peterborough. Then, when part way through the build I was very depressed to see they had gone bust, but then relieved when someone else took them over. Now it seems they are setting up in Kintore near Aberdeen. Where do I live? a few miles from Kintore and I drive past there on my way to work !!! Hope it's true.
Les G.

cct7kitcars - 20/5/07 at 12:42 PM

yes it is true luego is based in scotland and the chassis are built in hull

rusty nuts - 20/5/07 at 01:10 PM

Straight from the horses mouth, well nearly

RK - 21/5/07 at 01:25 AM

I am sure there is an old Monty Python skit in here somewhere.

ben lord - 21/5/07 at 09:29 PM


Give me a call on the Luego number


