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Ninehigh - 4/5/09 at 08:50 PM

Would I need a racing licence for track days, and are some races exempt? Also are there different types of licence?

Actually while I'm here does having one help with insurance quotes (like the advanced driving) or do they stick extra on because I'm licenced to drive really fast and as we know speed kills so I must be a mass murderer!

StevieB - 4/5/09 at 08:58 PM

You don't need a racing license to attend a track day - some places will insist you have a normal driving license but that's about it.

If you want to get into some form of competetive motorsport, be it racing or sprint/hillclimbing then you will need some form of license, which will be specified by the event/series organisers.

MakeEverything - 4/5/09 at 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
Would I need a racing licence for track days, and are some races exempt? Also are there different types of licence?

Actually while I'm here does having one help with insurance quotes (like the advanced driving) or do they stick extra on because I'm licenced to drive really fast and as we know speed kills so I must be a mass murderer!

I wouldnt tell an insurance company about ANY form of racing or race license. It has nothing to do with them unless youre asking them to insure your addiction, which the are unlikely to do.

Some track days done require a license at all, but i think from a safety point of view, i wouldnt attend an organisers event if they didnt, bearing in mind youre not insured at the time.

Ninehigh - 4/5/09 at 09:06 PM

Oh yeah it'd be separate insurance for track wouldn't it? I was just thinking about the licencing side of it.

Actually is there a good range of one-off races around? I don't even know where the nearest track to me is.

I'd really like to do the 24hr ones, or is that big bucks just to enter?

blakep82 - 4/5/09 at 09:07 PM

racing licenses are very expensive. someone was telling me, its about £300 for the license, but once you've got that, you need to do at least 1 race meeting a year to keep it. entry fees for races (at knockhill at least) is something like £500 for the day.

don't know if some short oval racing needs a race license?

Steve Hignett - 5/5/09 at 06:19 AM

Here's what you wanna have a look at:


StevieB - 5/5/09 at 07:14 AM

Have a look here for getting started in some form of motorsport.

The bst place to start would probably be sprint/hillclimbing as you'll be against the clocks rather than other cars, which reduces the liklihood of damaging your car due to car to car contact etc.

You definately need to get a few trackdays under your belt first though, as driving on the track is very diferent from going fast on the road and takes quite a bit of getting used to.

Where bouts are you based?

iank - 5/5/09 at 07:39 AM

Different types of competition require different licenses.

The license is issued by the MSA ( who have a section on types of competition. Click getting started.

Unless you are doing touring car, f1 or something else seriously high end you don't need one of the mad expensive licenses.

The prices are on the application form (start at £20 ish)

blackie - 5/5/09 at 10:55 AM

Ninehigh, if you're interested in racing, you should get yourself along to one of the 750MC events this year - they have racing for all budgets & the drivers in the paddock will be happy to give you accurate information regarding costs.

I have raced in the Locost Champoinship since 2003 & plenty of other drivers regularly post here - come along to a race meeting (see the calendar on the 750MC website) & find out what you need to know.

PS I have never EVER paid even close to £500 for a race entry - maybe blakep82 was talking to Jason Plato to get his info!



Ninehigh - 5/5/09 at 06:16 PM

I shall have to keep my eyes open for the next event within a couple of hours of us

I'm in Ellesmere Port, the other side of the mersey from Liverpool pretty much, that end of the m56

Rob Palin - 5/5/09 at 07:17 PM

The next 750MC meeting for the Locosts is at Anglesey, so maybe an hour and a half from you. It's a 2-day meeting over the weekend of the 6 & 7th June. There'll be plenty of us there who will be happy to have a chat about circuit racing.

Ninehigh - 5/5/09 at 07:27 PM

Ooh clashes with my son's first birthday!

When's the next one?

procomp - 6/5/09 at 07:58 AM


Or we are at cadwell park this weekend for a two day meeting and on July 11th & 12th also. Or better still here's the calendar for you to have a look at.
As already said there will be many ( 200 + ) racers all willing to tell you there experiences at starting in motorsport. These will be drivers from not just Kitcar related classes but saloon and single seaters also.

Cheers Matt

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