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DVLA - Swansea
Dick Axtell - 16/8/13 at 08:51 AM

I think it was Dave666 who posted this -

DVLA guidelines (now in place) state a maximum of 14 working days to process "New Registrations" (regardless of whether kit car, dealership etc). - not that guidelines mean anything. lol

Well, its been 14 days. Heard absolutely nada!! Rang Swansea, got passed thru 3 peeps, supposedly to someone "....on the New Registrations Team...".

Couldn't confirm that they had any record of cashing my cheque. Now that is worrying, as it was cashed on 7th Aug. Couldn't find any paperwork regarding my reg application. Said they'll ring me today, when they find said application. Doesn't look too great for the future operation of this organisation.

Sincerely hope they prove me wrong!

Got 2 phone calls this afternoon!! Halleluya - someone is actually on the case. Looking for all my paperwork! They both asked for the chassis no., so presume that's the key identifier. Surely, with 2 young ladies searching for my reg application, there's a better chance of finding it??

[Edited on 16/8/13 by Dick Axtell]

Dusty - 16/8/13 at 09:05 AM


Couldn't confirm that they had any record of cashing my cheque..........Couldn't find any paperwork regarding my reg application............ Said they'll ring me today.............(but probably won't)........... Doesn't look too great for the future operation of this organisation.

Silly boy. It's a government department. Since when has any disagreeable quality like efficiency or competence been a bar to success in the civil service.

loggyboy - 16/8/13 at 09:12 AM

SOunds similar to daves situation, keep ringing, start an official complaint if they cant find the details, and magically it will re-appear.

big_wasa - 16/8/13 at 09:16 AM

Oh I just new I didn't have the time or energy to deal with this shower of sh#t.

Hope you get it sorted soon.

theduck - 16/8/13 at 09:31 AM

Hopefully by the time I am ready they will have sorted this out...

Dick Axtell - 16/8/13 at 07:39 PM

Originally posted by theduck
Hopefully by the time I am ready they will have sorted this out...

Hopefully, by the time you're ready, mine will be sorted out!!! At least, as I added above, someone is looking into my "lost" application.

Dick Axtell - 19/8/13 at 09:35 AM

Well, there were 2 phone calls on Friday; today (Mon) there have been a further 2 calls from the DVLA. At least, they've been from the same person! Started asking for additional datails, to enable them to track down my reg application. Have had to call my bank, to request photocopy of my cheque. Apparently, the DVLA print some form of code on the back of the cheque,which is clearly an important identifier.

On a more agreeable note, I am now on first name terms with the young lady ffrom Swansea! Downside is that she is in the office only for the next 2 days.

Don't be mislead by this - she spoke to my Dearly Beloved, whilst I was on the phone to the bank!

[Edited on 19/8/13 by Dick Axtell]

navyseamonkey2011 - 19/8/13 at 11:21 AM

I feel your pain, Ive had numerous fallings out with the DVLA, lost log books, difficulties with changing taxation classes.
No one will give you a straight answer and theres always a mile or two of red tape to make things difficult.
Gallon of petrol and a match would sort it.

mcerd1 - 19/8/13 at 11:35 AM

hope the get your one sorted soon

this is exactly why I keep photo copies of everything I send them and even use recorded post if I can

Dick Axtell - 19/8/13 at 04:14 PM

Originally posted by mcerd1
this is exactly why I keep photo copies of everything I send them and even use recorded post if I can

Which is exactly what was recommended by the DVLA staff member I spoke with!

mcerd1 - 19/8/13 at 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Dick Axtell
Originally posted by mcerd1
this is exactly why I keep photo copies of everything I send them and even use recorded post if I can

Which is exactly what was recommended by the DVLA staff member I spoke with!

yeah, it makes you wonder when they know they are that bad, but still do nothing to sort it....

Dick Axtell - 20/8/13 at 08:11 AM

Well, today is 20th Aug, nearly 3 weeks since I made my application for "first registration". Have just received DVLA letter confirming receipt of said application. Which is encouraging, since it confirms that its in the system. Hope system works!

daveb666 - 20/8/13 at 09:26 AM

Hi Dick,

I received that letter 1 day before I received my documents, so you're not far off now!

Dick Axtell - 28/8/13 at 08:45 AM

Originally posted by daveb666
I received that letter 1 day before I received my documents, so you're not far off now!

Only letter so far, has been to demand covering letter from chassis welder confirming that it is new!!
Might be a problem, as I've been long time building this project car. And, yes, have been in touch with chassis guy; now waiting for his response.

Dick Axtell - 3/9/13 at 08:32 AM

Well, the chassis letter was sent last week. Big thanks to Martin Keenan, who confirmed the chassis was new. Or, at least, it was when I bought it!! So far, no response from DVLA New Reg team. Maybe they have an unexpectedly high volume of work? Will have to chase them up, to find out what progress is.

Dick Axtell - 6/9/13 at 08:28 PM

Hello again! Still no tax disc, or any indication what my reg no will be. And its now 6 weeks since I passed all my paperwork over the counter at the Birmingham DVLA office. Yes, I know they're closing in December, and somew peeps will lose their jobs, so may be there might have been a lack of enthusiasm.

But 6 weeks!!! Spoke to someone on the First Registration team last week, who checked my file, and advised that my letter enclosing the chassis newness confirmation doc hadn't arrived. Gotta email address, and sent him a pdf copy on same day. Was promised that he would mark my reg application as "urgent", commenting that some recent postal strikes might have caused delays.

6 weeks????? Can it really take that long?

daveb666 - 10/9/13 at 01:45 PM

Email to the DVLA Chief Exec Dick - it's been long enough.

My email is below - feel free to copy/adjust/paste LOL

Dear Chief Executive,

I have spent the last 4 years of my life building a kit car. In May 2013 I reached the end of the build stage and went through the long process of having an IVA test carried out on the car.

Whilst an expensive process, the test was well organised and dealt with in a professional manner throughout. During the test, the chassis number and engine number were checked for consistency with my documentation on more than one occasion.

Having received a successful PASS for my IVA, I popped the car back on the transported and headed over to the DVLA in Leeds with my completed paperwork in order to obtain a new registration number. (I note new as opposed to 'donor' or 'Q' due to all parts used to build the vehicle being brand new, receipts included as proof).

On arriving at the DVLA in Leeds (July 22nd), I was told my car would need to be inspected, but the inspector was on holiday for a week. However, my paperwork was accepted and the necessary fees paid. An inspection was booked for the following Monday.

I arrived the following Monday (29th July) having paid out for yet another car transported hire and arrived for my inspection. The gentleman in question removed my bonnet, checked the chassis number and engine number - something that VOSA had done previously (more than once). The gentleman then confirmed that unfortunately local offices are no longer able to process new-registrations and all the paperwork would now be sent to Swansea, where it is likely it will take up to 14 days to get the paperwork (although apparently it's usually sooner).

As I was getting obviously excited to drive my new car, I telephoned the DVLA on Wednesday 7th August 2013 (9 days after my inspection) to check the progress of my application. The chap I spoke to was unable to locate my application and said someone would call me back within 24 hours. No call back was received.

I called again, 25 hours later on Thursday 8th August 2013 (10 days after my inspection) and spoke to a lady called 'Angela'. Once again, the lady put me on hold, spoke to the relevant department but was unable to locate my application. I was promised a call-back within 24 hours. No call back was received.

I called again, 24 hours later on Friday 9th August 2013 at 13.29 (11 days after my inspection) and spoke to a lady called Lana. Once again, I was put on hold and then told that the department 'couldn't put their hands on my application' and that I would receive a call back from the manager of that department "within half an hour". An hour passed with no call-back. I called again on Friday 9th August 2013 at 14.35 and spoke to 'Angela' (the lady I spoke to on Thursday) to express my dismay after being promised 3 call-backs up to this point but receiving none. Once again, I was promised a call-back as soon as possible.

One hour later I received a call-back - The chap I spoke to clarified some information; notably that the application was for a new registration and not a q-plate or donor registration transfer. The guy on the phone seemed to have a lightbulb moment and said "no we're making progress, I'll call you right back". No call was received.

I called again on Friday 9th August 2013 at 17.14 and spoke to a lady called 'Charlotte'. I asked why I had not been called back, Charlotte tried to put me through to the relevant department but they had closed. She confirmed the department opened again on Monday morning at 8am and I should ring back then.

Monday morning, 9.34 and I'm on the phone again to chase my call-back. This time I spoke to a lady called 'Hannah', after explaining the situation again I was put on hold for 8minnutes. I was then told that, the application won't be "officially overdue" until tomorrow so I shouldn't expect a call-back or response until that time. I asked if that meant whether or not my application was actually lost, and Hannah said "she possibly couldn't say".

The only re-assuring thing from all of this is the politeness and courtesy that has been shown to me from your customer services staff (most notably Angela on both occasions).

Assuming you run with the same 14 day timescales then it's likely this email won't be read or dealt with until long after this problem has escalated, however I'm sure you can appreciate my frustration throughout this whole process.

Having spent the last 3 months and over £1,000 trying to get this car registered I am at a loss as to how such a professional organisation can simply loose paperwork. Within the paperwork were original receipts from the build, along with my original IVA pass certificate. I also paid for the registration and tax at my first visit to the DVLA (3 weeks ago today) and have nothing to show for it.

I cannot even comprehend how, if my application is indeed lost, the DVLA will go about rectifying the situation in any sort of acceptable time-frame, and in a way that will not result in me being significantly out of pocket. I have, whilst writing this email, received a call from my insurance company requesting the registration number of the vehicle to update my policy. The insurers allow 28 days on chassis insurance before requiring additional fees, and I am 21 days in to that policy.

Update: I have just received a phone call from Lee at the DVLA. "The bottom line is we can't find your application". Lee will send me information 1st class and I have to respond, re-completing all the documentation that was originally sent. Once again, Lee was very professional and courteous throughout the conversation and has said he will deal with this problem personally until it is resolved.

However, I am at a complete-loss as to how this application will now be able to be processed fully without all the documentation required.

Should you be able to review this email within your 14 day terms I would very much appreciate a response.

Hope this may help mate...

loggyboy - 10/9/13 at 02:00 PM

Seems very long winded. If I was sent that id be bored after 3 paragraphs. Keep it as short and concise as possible. Dont go in to items that are not relevant to your complaint (expense of IVA, general prodedural slowness, everyone has to go through those, even the fact the inspection itself is pointless isnt relevant to your specfic complaint, he wont/cant change procedures on the basis of one letter, but he can act on your specfic case.). Just go into reasonable details about the contact you have had and that you should have had the registration by a certain time and you havent.

daveb666 - 10/9/13 at 02:06 PM

Not too bothered what you think of it to be honest loggyboy as I didn't post it to get your opinion. I posted it as a possible reference point for the OP.

What I do know is that long-winded letter got a reply within 1 hour, and my registration documents within 3 days.

Dick Axtell - 11/9/13 at 08:40 AM

Hello again, Daveb666;

Thanks for your suggestion. Have already been on the phone a few times, since my last post her on this subject. Apparently, the bloke dealing with my application is away, until next week, and consequently, my tax disc and reg no will be delayed (you don't say!!!). And would I please be patient.

I kept my cool, and explained the timeline of my application process, pointing out that the DVLA had already had my money for over a month. After further discussion, there was verbal confirmation that my tax disc and reg no would be "in the post", when "my" bloke returned, and also, that no further inspection would be required. Have asked for their letter to confirm this will be the case.

Have already sent email, noting salient points, and suggesting that my vehicle tax should start from 1st October, to allow for the delays in their processing. Why should I pay for a tax period that I'll never get?

loggyboy - 11/9/13 at 09:17 AM

Originally posted by daveb666
What I do know is that long-winded letter got a reply within 1 hour, and my registration documents within 3 days.

Only an hour?, he most definaltely didnt read all of it then!

daveb666 - 11/9/13 at 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Dick Axtell
Hello again, Daveb666;

Thanks for your suggestion. Have already been on the phone a few times, since my last post her on this subject. Apparently, the bloke dealing with my application is away, until next week, and consequently, my tax disc and reg no will be delayed (you don't say!!!). And would I please be patient.

I kept my cool, and explained the timeline of my application process, pointing out that the DVLA had already had my money for over a month. After further discussion, there was verbal confirmation that my tax disc and reg no would be "in the post", when "my" bloke returned, and also, that no further inspection would be required. Have asked for their letter to confirm this will be the case.

Have already sent email, noting salient points, and suggesting that my vehicle tax should start from 1st October, to allow for the delays in their processing. Why should I pay for a tax period that I'll never get?

A bit of good news at tax started from the day before it was posted, as opposed to the day I paid so shouldn't loose out on anything.

Dick Axtell - 1/10/13 at 01:20 PM

Have been away for a couple of weeks. Came home to discover I have a new tax disc for my Locost!! Great feeling!!!! Plus, as I had suspected, no demand for an inspection, and I've got an age-related plate. Still gotta pay up, though. Now for some nice new reg plates. Can I use stick-on version for the nose-cone?

loggyboy - 1/10/13 at 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Dick Axtell
Have been away for a couple of weeks. Came home to discover I have a new tax disc for my Locost!! Great feeling!!!! Plus, as I had suspected, no demand for an inspection, and I've got an age-related plate. Still gotta pay up, though. Now for some nice new reg plates. Can I use stick-on version for the nose-cone?

Not technically, no stick on refelective plate has the correct BS standard, however ive heard plent of reports that cars do pass with MOTs them. Just depends on how arsey/knowledgable the test (in 3 years time) or any copper is that might pull you betweem then.

daveb666 - 1/10/13 at 02:36 PM

I haven't fitted a front plate yet, I will once I've had my first fine.